REM checks

Verify REM is running

Log in to the VM with the default credentials.

Run systemctl status rhino-element-manager to view the status of the REM service. It should be listed as active (running).

You can also check the jps command to ensure that the Tomcat process has started. It is listed in the output as Bootstrap.

Verify you can connect to REM

From a PC which is on or can reach the same subnet as the REM node’s management interface, connect to https://<management IP address>:8443/rem/ with a web browser. You should be presented with a login page. From here you can use the credentials set up in the mag-vmpool-config.yaml file to log in.

XCAP server and NAF filter checks

Verify the XCAP server and NAF authentication filter are running

The XCAP server and NAF authentication filter are executed as components within REM. Thus, to verify these components are running, please verify REM is running as described above.

Verify NGINX is running

NGINX is used as a reverse proxy for XCAP and NAF filter requests. Run systemctl status nginx to view the status of the NGINX service. It should be listed as active (running).

Rhino Checks


Check using MetaView Server or REM on the MAG node that there are no active Rhino alarms. Refer to the Troubleshooting pages if any alarms are active.

Active components

Check using REM on the MAG node that various MAG components are active.

Check REM Page Expected Result

Check SLEE is running

Monitoring tab → Cluster NodesState

The SLEE should be in the Running state.

Check the Sentinel AGW service are active

Monitoring tab → Services

sentinel-gaa-bsf should be active.

Check Sentinel AGW Resource Adaptors are active

Monitoring tab → Resource Adaptor Entities

bsf-http-ra, cassandra-cql-ra and diameterbase should be active.

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Rhino VoLTE TAS VMs Version 4.0.0