An interceptor invocation can have one of three possible results.

Result Description Result Content

The interceptor has completed.

Interceptor output object — may or may not be the same as the original input object provided to the interceptor.
User variables — another UserVariables map. This map contains all user-defined variables that exist in the interceptor context when the interceptor completed and could be used, for example, to pass additional information from the interceptor back to the service.

 In Progress

Interceptor evaluation is in progress and will complete asynchronously at some later point. An Interceptor​Invocation​Completed​Event will be fired on the InterceptorInvocationActivity when the interceptor completes.

Invocation ID — a unique numerical identifier that the service can use to correlate with an InterceptorInvocationCompletedEvent.
Activity — an InterceptorInvocationActivity. If an activity object was provided when the interceptor was invoked, this will be the same object. Otherwise it will represent a new activity created by the SIS. The service should attach to this activity in order to receive the InterceptorInvocationCompletedEvent when the interceptor completes.


The interceptor invocation failed. Typically this is because the specified interceptor reference doesn’t exist in the SIS (but could be for other reasons).

Reason — an enumerated value classifying the failure cause.
Cause — a free-format text string providing a human-readable description as to why the invocation failed.

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