Interface OCHeaderFactory

    • Method Detail

      • createFlowTimerHeader

        FlowTimerHeader createFlowTimerHeader​(int flowTimer)
                                       throws javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException
        Creates a new FlowTimerHeader based on the flowTimer value. This method should be present in JAIN SIP 2.0, but is not in JAIN SIP 1.2, but is needed to implement RFC5626.
        flowTimer - the new int value of the flowTimer
        the newly created FlowTimer object.
        javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException - if supplied flowTimer is less than or equal to zero.
      • createRAckHeader

        javax.sip.header.RAckHeader createRAckHeader​(long rSeqNumber,
                                                     long cSeqNumber,
                                                     String method)
                                              throws javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException,
        Creates a new RAckHeader based on the newly supplied rSeqNumber, cSeqNumber and method values.

        This method should have been defined in JAIN SIP 1.2 since longs are now used for sequence number values.

        rSeqNumber - the new long value of the rSeqNumber.
        cSeqNumber - the new long value of the cSeqNumber.
        method - the new string value of the method.
        the newly created RAckHeader object.
        javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException - if supplied rSeqNumber or cSeqNumber is less than zero or greater than than 2**32-1.
        ParseException - which signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the method value.
      • createRSeqHeader

        javax.sip.header.RSeqHeader createRSeqHeader​(long rSeqNumber)
                                              throws javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException
        Creates a new RSeqHeader based on the newly supplied rSeqNumber value.

        This method should have been defined in JAIN SIP 1.2 since longs are now used for sequence number values.

        rSeqNumber - the new long value of the sequenceNumber.
        the newly created RSeqHeader object.
        javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException - if supplied sequenceNumber is less than zero or greater than than 2**32-1.
      • createJoinHeader

        JoinHeader createJoinHeader​(String callId,
                                    String fromTag,
                                    String toTag)
                             throws ParseException
        Creates a new JoinHeader based on the supplied parameter values.
        callId - the new string value of the call-id.
        fromTag - the new string value of the from tag.
        toTag - the new string value of the to tag.
        the newly created JoinHeader object.
        ParseException - which signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the parameter values.
      • createReplacesHeader

        ReplacesHeader createReplacesHeader​(String callId,
                                            String fromTag,
                                            String toTag,
                                            boolean earlyOnly)
                                     throws ParseException
        Creates a new ReplacesHeader based on the supplied parameter values.
        callId - the new string value of the call-id.
        fromTag - the new string value of the from tag.
        toTag - the new string value of the to tag.
        earlyOnly - true if early-only parameter should be added, false otherwise.
        the newly created ReplacesHeader object.
        ParseException - which signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the parameter values.