This command category supports general administration tasks such as activating the R-IM-SSF.
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Type help rimssf at the sis-console to see a list of commands related to general R-IM-SSF configuration.
- Display the current configuration
- Activate/deactivate the R-IM-SSF
- Configure the International Dialing prefix and Country Code
- Configure the Domain
- Configure the SCF ID Address String
- Configure the MSC SCCP Address
- Configure the No Answer Timeout
- Configure Connect behaviour
- Configure Default Media Server Address
- Configure Announcement Combined-Mode Field Format
Display the current configuration
Command |
rimssf-displaygeneralcfg Display general configuration of the R-IM-SSF |
Example |
To display the current general configuration: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-displaygeneralcfg R-IM-SSF Configuration Data CountryCode : 64 IddPrefix : 00 MscAddress : null NoAnswerTimeout : 30 RimssfDomain : ... |
Configure the International Dialing prefix and Country Code
Configure the SCF ID Address String
Command |
rimssf-configurescfidaddress <scfid address> Configure the address string of ScfID used in EstablishTemporaryConnection messages sent by the R-IM-SSF |
Example |
To configure the SCF ID address string: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-configurescfidaddress 642347923873438 ScfIdAddress now set to: 642347923873438 |
Configure the MSC SCCP Address
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The MSC address only needs to be configured for scenarios where the SIP network initiates the call. The specified address must be described using the correct format. |
Command |
rimssf-configuremscaddress <msc address> Configure the SCCP address string of the MSC used for network-initiated calls. Use the value 'null' to remove an existing setting messages sent by the R-IM-SSF |
Example |
To configure the MSC address string: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-configuremscaddress type=c7,ri=gt,digits=34607012345,nature=national,national=true MscAddress now set to: type=c7,ri=gt,digits=34607012345,nature=national,national=true |
Configure the No Answer Timeout
Command |
rimssf-configurenoanswertimeout <timeout> Configure the NoAnswer EDP timeout. The timeout units is seconds. Use 0 for no explicit timeout |
Example |
To configure the no answer timeout: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-configurenoanswertimeout 30 NoAnswer EDP timeout now set to: 30 |
Configure Connect behaviour
The R-IM-SSF can be configured to always send a Connect operation to route a normal call, or to send a Connect or Continue operation depending on whether or not the A or B party numbers have been changed by the SIP-AS.
Command |
configurealwaysuseconnect <always-use-connect?> Configure Always-Use-Connect setting. The argument must be a boolean value |
Example |
To configure the R-IM-SSF to always send a Connect: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-configurealwaysuseconnect true Always-Use-Connect setting now set to: true |
Configure Default Media Server Address
The default media server address is only used in the case where an announcement is to be played using an MRF instead of an SRF or IP and a media server address has not been configured in the relevant announcement mapping.
Command |
rimssf-configuredefaultmediaserveraddress <uri> Configure the Default Media Server Address for user interaction performed using an MRF. The argument must be a SIP URI. Use the value 'null' to remove an existing setting |
Example |
To configure a default media server address of [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-configuredefaultmediaserveraddress DefaultMediaServerAddress setting now set to: |
Configure Announcement Combined-Mode Field Format
The combined-mode field format specifier is used to indicate the field widths of the assisting SSP-IP routing address, correlation ID, and SCF-ID fields when the R-IM-SSF sends an Establish Temporary Connection operation using the combined mode of pre-ISUP '97.
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It is generally expected that the SCF-ID address (as configured above) will fit within the specified field width, and that the total width of all fields is not greater than the address string length supported by the protocol. |
Command |
rimssf-configureannouncementcombinedmodefieldformat <aSSP-IP-address-width> <correlation-id-width> <scf-id-width> Configure the Announcement Combined-Mode Field Format. Use a single value 'null' to remove an existing setting |
Example |
To configure a combined-mode field format specifier for an assisting SSP-IP address width of 6 digits, an SCF ID address of 2 digits, and a correlation ID of 4 digits: [Rhino@localhost (#1)] rimssf-configureannouncementcombinedmodefieldformat 6 2 4 Announcement Combined Mode Field Format setting now set to: 6:2:4 |