All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbsoluteStatLimiterMBean Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single absolute stat limiter.AlarmExtensions This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to SLEE alarms.AlarmMBean Rhino extensions to the JAIN SLEE 1.1 Alarm MBean interface.AuditingManagementMBean TheAuditingManagementMBean
interface provides methods for interacting with Rhino’s auditing subsystems.BindingAlreadyExistsException This exception is thrown when a component binding operation fails because the specified binding descriptor has already been associated with the target component.BindingResult Result object returned from a binding operation.BindingVerificationException This exception is thrown when a component binding operation fails due to a problem with the binding descriptor.ConfigManagementMBean TheConfigManagementMBean
interface defines operations related to declarative state import and export.ConfigurationException ContainerConfigurationMBean Generic MBean for container configuration operationsConvergenceStatus Base object structure of JSON return type fromConfigManagementMBean.getConvergenceStatus(boolean)
andConfigManagementMBean.getConvergenceStatus(int[], boolean)
.DesiredStates Base object structure of JSON return type fromNodeHousekeepingMBean.getDesiredStates()
.EndpointIDUtil HostRemappingSslRMIClientSocketFactory An SslRMIClientSocketFactory that overrides the host string provided in a socket creation request with the host string provided during object construction.ImportException This exception is thrown when a configuration bundle cannot be obtained from the URL specified to the import operation.ImportOptions Additional options that can be specified when importing a declarative config bundle.ImportOptions.ResourceAdaptorEntityReconfigurationAction Options for applying resource adaptor entity configuration.InvalidPKeyException AnInvalidPKeyException
is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when an invalid activity or Sbb entity key is encountered.LicenseAlreadyInstalledException LicenseComponent Simple container class for storing function, version, and capacity inside LicenseInfo objects.LicenseException LicenseException is thrown to indicate a problem with a license that is not due to a communication error (for example, a bad signature).LicenseInfo A LicenseInfo object contains the license details for a single license.LicenseManagementJMXConstants LicenseManagementMBean Allows installation, removal and query of licenses.LicenseMBean Attributes which constrain and the operation of the SLEELimiterManagementMBean Defines the JMX interface used for managing the limiting sub-system.LimiterMBean Defines the base JMX interface for controlling a single limiter.LimiterNameComparator Compares limiter names.LimiterRampUpMBean TheLimiterRampUpMBean
interface provides methods to configure ramp up of the "SystemInput" limiter.LimiterType LimitingManagementException Exception type thrown by the limiting management MBeans for admin operations which are invalid.LoggerNotConfiguredException Thrown by log management methods when a log key does not match a configured logger.LoggingManagementMBean TheLoggingManagementMBean
interface provides methods to modify Rhino’s log configuration.MalformedConfigBundleException This exception is thrown when a configuration import fails because Rhino cannot interpret the contents of the configuration bundle.MappingAlreadyExistsException This exception is thrown when a SAS prefix mapping operation fails because the specified prefix has already been associated with the target name.MBeanUtil NamespaceStatus NoAuthenticatedSubjectException This exception is thrown by management methods that need to associate runtime state with a user connection if the user has not been authenticated.NodeHousekeepingMBean The NodeHousekeepingMBean MBean interface provides methods for inspecting Rhino SLEE state.NodeState<DesiredStateType> NodeStatus<DesiredStateType,ActualStateType> NoSuchBindingException This exception is thrown when a component unbinding operation fails because the specified binding descriptor is not currently associated with the target component.ObjectPoolManagementMBean TheObjectPoolMBean
interface provides access to Object Pool MBeans.ObjectPoolMBean Configure the dimensions of this object pool.ParameterSet The client view of a ParameterSet.PlatformRestrictionsConfigManagementMBean ThePlatformRestrictionsConfigManagementMBean
interface defines methods for restricting changes to the Rhino platform.QueueSaturationLimiterMBean Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single queue saturation limiter.RateLimiterMBean Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single rate limiter.RelativeStatLimiterMBean Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single relative stat limiter.ResourceAdaptorEntityState ResourceAdaptorEntityState.ResourceAdaptorEntityNodeState ResourceAdaptorEntityStatus ResourceAdaptorEntityStatus.ResourceAdaptorEntityNodeStatus RhinoHousekeepingMBean Administration MBean for operator driven Rhino housekeeping.RuntimeConfigManagementMBean TheRuntimeConfigManagementMBean
interface provides access to Rhino configuration options that can be changed at runtime.SasManagementMBean TheSasManagementMBean
provides access to the SAS server configuration.ServiceComponent ServiceState ServiceState.ServiceNodeState ServiceStatus ServiceStatus.ServiceNodeStatus SleeActualState SLEE actual state values.SleeDesiredState SLEE desired state values.SleeManagementMBean The SleeManagementMBean interface defines the central management interface for the SLEE.SleeState SleeState.SleeNodeState SleeStatus SleeStatus.SleeNodeStatus StagingQueueManagementMBean TheStagingQueueManagementMBean
interface provides methods to configure the staging queue parameters.StateChangeNotificationExtensions This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to state change notifications generated by the SLEE when the SLEE, a service, or a resource adaptor entity changes state.StatLimiterMBean Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single stat limiter.TimeUnit An emumeration of time units, used when setting a limiter’s rate.UnknownActivityException AnUnknownActivityException
is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when an activity cannot be located.UnknownAppenderException Thrown by log management methods when an appender name does not match a known appenderUnknownSbbEntityException AnUnknownSbbEntityException
is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when a requested SBB cannot be found.UnknownTimerException AnUnknownTimerException
is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when a timer cannot be located.UnrecognizedBindingDescriptorException This exception is thrown by management operations when passed aBindingDescriptorID
object that is not recognized by the SLEE, or does not identify a binding descriptor installed in the SLEE.UnrecognizedLicenseException AUnrecognizedLicenseException
is thrown by LicenseConfigMBean when an attempt to uninstall a license that is not installed is made.UnrecognizedLoggingPropertyException Thrown by log management methods when an unknown logging property name is given.