GWT 2.7.0


A package for managing client-server requests.


Interface Summary
HasRequestContext<T> Editors used with RequestFactoryEditorDriver that implement this interface will be provided with the RequestContext associated with the current editing session.
RequestFactoryEditorDriver<P,E extends Editor<? super P>> The interface that links RequestFactory and the Editor framework together.
RequestFactoryLogHandler.LoggingRequestProvider Provides a logging request.

Class Summary
DefaultRequestTransport An implementation of RequestTransport that uses a RequestBuilder.
RequestBatcher<F extends RequestFactory,C extends RequestContext> A RequestBatcher is a convenience class that allows RequestFactory operations to be aggregated over a single tick of the event loop and sent as one HTTP request.
RequestFactoryLogHandler A Handler that does remote logging for applications using RequestFactory.

Package Description

A package for managing client-server requests.

GWT 2.1

GWT 2.7.0