GWT 2.7.0


Class Summary
ClientToDomainMapper Uses information in a State object to convert client types to their domain equivalents.
DeobfuscatorBuilder Visits a RequestFactory to create its associated DeobfuscatorBuilder, a self-configuring subtype of Deobfuscator.Builder which provides the ServiceLayer with type- and method-mapping information.
DescriptorBuilder Builds descriptors from TypeMirrors for both simple types and methods.
DomainChecker Checks client to domain mappings.
DomainChecker.MethodFinder Attempt to find the most specific method that conforms to a given signature.
ExtraTypesScanner<T> Looks for ExtraTypes annotations and calls ExtraTypesScanner.scanExtraType(TypeElement).
Finder Looks for all types assignable to RequestFactory and adds them to the output state.
Messages Contains string-formatting methods to produce error messages.
ProxyScanner Examines the methods declared in a proxy interface.
ReferredTypesCollector Given a RequestFactory interface, return all RequestContext and proxy types transitively referenced.
RequestContextScanner Scans a RequestContext declaration.
RequestFactoryScanner Scans a RequestFactory declaration for errors.
RfValidator The entry point for annotation validation.
ScannerBase<R> Contains utility methods for traversing RequestFactory declarations.
State.ForTesting Slightly tweaked implementation used when running tests.
TransportableTypeVisitor Scans a TypeMirror to determine if it can be transported by RequestFactory.
TypeComparator Orders TypeElements by assignability, with most-derived types ordered first, and then by name.
TypeSimplifier Utility type for reducing complex type declarations to ones suitable for determining assignability based on RequestFactory's type-mapping semantics.
TypeVisitorBase<T> Provides utility functions for type visitors.
ValidationTool Provides "late" validation services when server types aren't available to the shared-interface compilation process.
ValidationTool.JarOrDirectoryOutputFileManager A JavaFileManager that writes the class outputs into a jar file or a directory.

Exception Summary
HaltException An un-logged RuntimeException used to abort processing.

GWT 2.7.0