GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProvidesKey The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. Classes and interfaces used by the cellview widget set. Classes used by the request factory to manage proxies, user logins, and authentication. 

Uses of ProvidesKey in

Methods in that return ProvidesKey
 ProvidesKey<T> HasDataPresenter.getKeyProvider()
 ProvidesKey<C> CellWidget.getKeyProvider()
 ProvidesKey<T> AbstractHasData.getKeyProvider()

Constructors in with parameters of type ProvidesKey
AbstractCellTable(Element elem, int pageSize, AbstractCellTable.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified AbstractCellTable.Style, and the given key provider.
AbstractCellTable(Widget widget, int pageSize, AbstractCellTable.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified AbstractCellTable.Style, and the given key provider.
AbstractHasData(Element elem, int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs an AbstractHasData with the given page size.
AbstractHasData(Widget widget, int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs an AbstractHasData with the given page size.
CellBrowser.BrowserCellList(Cell<T> cell, int level, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
CellList(Cell<T> cell, CellList.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Construct a new CellList with the specified CellList.Resources and key provider.
CellList(Cell<T> cell, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Construct a new CellList with the specified key provider.
CellTable(int pageSize, CellTable.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified CellTable.BasicResources, and the given key provider.
CellTable(int pageSize, CellTable.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider, Widget loadingIndicator)
          Constructs a table with the specified page size, CellTable.BasicResources, key provider, and loading indicator.
CellTable(int pageSize, CellTable.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider, Widget loadingIndicator, boolean enableColGroup, boolean attachLoadingPanel)
          Constructs a table with the specified page size, CellTable.BasicResources, key provider, and loading indicator.
CellTable(int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with the given page size and the given key provider.
CellTable(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with a default page size of 15, and the given key provider.
CellWidget(Cell<C> cell, C initialValue, ProvidesKey<C> keyProvider)
          Construct a new CellWidget with the specified cell, initial value, and key provider.
CellWidget(Cell<C> cell, C initialValue, ProvidesKey<C> keyProvider, Element elem)
          Creates a CellWidget with the specified cell, initial value, key provider, using the specified element as the wrapper around the cell.
CellWidget(Cell<C> cell, ProvidesKey<C> keyProvider)
          Construct a new CellWidget with the specified cell and key provider, and an initial value of null.
DataGrid(int pageSize, DataGrid.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified DataGrid.Resources, and the given key provider.
DataGrid(int pageSize, DataGrid.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider, Widget loadingIndicator)
          Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified DataGrid.Resources, and the given key provider.
DataGrid(int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with the given page size and the given key provider.
DataGrid(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a table with a default page size of 50, and the given key provider.
HasDataPresenter(HasData<T> display, HasDataPresenter.View<T> view, int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Construct a new HasDataPresenter.

Uses of ProvidesKey in

Constructors in with parameters of type ProvidesKey
ValueListBox(Renderer<? super T> renderer, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)

Uses of ProvidesKey in

Subinterfaces of ProvidesKey in
 interface SelectionModel<T>
          A model for selection within a list.
 interface SetSelectionModel<T>
          A model that allows getting all elements and clearing the selection.

Classes in that implement ProvidesKey
 class AbstractDataProvider<T>
          A base implementation of a data source for HasData implementations.
 class AsyncDataProvider<T>
          An implementation of AbstractDataProvider that allows the data to be modified.
 class DefaultSelectionModel<T>
          A convenience SelectionModel that allows items to be selected according to a subclass-defined rule, plus a list of positive or negative exceptions.
 class ListDataProvider<T>
          A concrete subclass of AbstractDataProvider that is backed by an in-memory list.
 class MultiSelectionModel<T>
          A simple selection model that allows multiple items to be selected.
 class NoSelectionModel<T>
          A selection model that does not allow selection, but fires selection change events.
 class OrderedMultiSelectionModel<T>
          A simple selection model that allows multiple items to be selected and retains order of selection.
static class SelectionModel.AbstractSelectionModel<T>
          A default implementation of SelectionModel that provides listener addition and removal.
 class SimpleKeyProvider<T>
          Simple passthrough implementation of ProvidesKey.
 class SingleSelectionModel<T>
          A simple selection model that allows only one item to be selected a a time.

Methods in that return ProvidesKey
 ProvidesKey<T> SelectionModel.AbstractSelectionModel.getKeyProvider()
          Returns a ProvidesKey instance that simply returns the input data item.
 ProvidesKey<T> HasKeyProvider.getKeyProvider()
          Return the key provider.
 ProvidesKey<T> AbstractDataProvider.getKeyProvider()
          Get the ProvidesKey that provides keys for list items.
 ProvidesKey<T> TreeViewModel.DefaultNodeInfo.getProvidesKey()
 ProvidesKey<T> TreeViewModel.NodeInfo.getProvidesKey()
          Return the key provider for children of this node.

Constructors in with parameters of type ProvidesKey
AbstractDataProvider(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Construct an AbstractDataProvider with a given key provider.
AsyncDataProvider(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs an AsyncDataProvider with the given key provider.
DefaultSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a DefaultSelectionModel with the given key provider.
ListDataProvider(java.util.List<T> listToWrap, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Creates a list model that wraps the given list.
ListDataProvider(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Creates an empty list model that wraps the given collection.
MultiSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a MultiSelectionModel with the given key provider.
MultiSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,T> selectedSet, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,MultiSelectionModel.SelectionChange<T>> selectionChanges)
          Construct a MultiSelectionModel with the given key provider and implementations of selectedSet and selectionChanges.
NoSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a NoSelectionModel with the given key provider.
OrderedMultiSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a OrderedMultiSelectionModel with the given key provider.
SelectionModel.AbstractSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Construct an AbstractSelectionModel with a given key provider.
SingleSelectionModel(ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
          Constructs a SingleSelectionModel with the given key provider.

Uses of ProvidesKey in

Classes in that implement ProvidesKey
 class EntityProxyKeyProvider<P extends EntityProxy>
          An EntityProxy-aware key provider, handy for use with SelectionModel and various cell widgets.

GWT 2.7.0