GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use Column The "cellview" widget set. 

Uses of Column in

Subclasses of Column in
 class IdentityColumn<T>
          A passthrough column, useful for giving cells access to the entire row object.
 class TextColumn<T>
          A column that displays its contents with a TextCell and does not make use of view data.

Methods in that return Column
 Column<?,?> ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo.getColumn()
          Get the Column that was sorted.
 Column<?,?> ColumnSortEvent.getColumn()
          Get the Column that was sorted.
 Column<T,?> HeaderBuilder.getColumn(Element elem)
          Given an element in the DOM subtree returned by the most recent call to HeaderBuilder.buildHeader(), returns the Column that should be the target of any button clicks or other events on that element, or null if the events should be discarded.
 Column<T,?> FooterBuilder.getColumn(Element elem)
          Given an element in the DOM subtree returned by the most recent call to FooterBuilder.buildFooter(), returns the Column that should be the target of any button clicks or other events on that element, or null if the events should be discarded.
 Column<T,?> AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder.getColumn(Element elem)
 Column<T,?> AbstractCellTable.getColumn(int col)
          Get the column at the specified index.

Methods in with parameters of type Column
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col)
          Adds a column to the end of the table.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, Header<?> header)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated header.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, Header<?> header, Header<?> footer)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated header and footer.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated SafeHtml header.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated SafeHtml header and footer.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, java.lang.String headerString)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated String header.
 void AbstractCellTable.addColumn(Column<T,?> col, java.lang.String headerString, java.lang.String footerString)
          Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated String header and footer.
 void AbstractCellTable.clearColumnWidth(Column<T,?> column)
          Clear the width of the specified Column.
protected  void AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder.enableColumnHandlers(ElementBuilderBase<?> builder, Column<T,?> column)
          Enables column-specific event handling for the specified element.
 int AbstractCellTable.getColumnIndex(Column<T,?> column)
          Get the index of the specified column.
 java.lang.String AbstractCellTable.getColumnWidth(Column<T,?> column)
          Get the width of a Column.
 java.util.Comparator<T> ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler.getComparator(Column<T,?> column)
          Returns the comparator that has been set for the specified column, or null if no comparator has been set.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, Header<?> header)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated header.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, Header<?> header, Header<?> footer)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated header and footer.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated SafeHtml header.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated SafeHtml header and footer.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, java.lang.String headerString)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated String header.
 void AbstractCellTable.insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T,?> col, java.lang.String headerString, java.lang.String footerString)
          Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated String header and footer.
 ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo ColumnSortList.push(Column<?,?> column)
          Push a Column onto the list at index zero, setting ascending to true.
 void AbstractCellTable.removeColumn(Column<T,?> col)
          Remove a column.
 void CellTable.setColumnWidth(Column<T,?> column, double width, Style.Unit unit)
          Set the width of a Column.
 void AbstractCellTable.setColumnWidth(Column<T,?> column, double width, Style.Unit unit)
          Set the width of a Column.
 void CellTable.setColumnWidth(Column<T,?> column, java.lang.String width)
          Set the width of a Column.
 void AbstractCellTable.setColumnWidth(Column<T,?> column, java.lang.String width)
          Set the width of a Column.
 void ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler.setComparator(Column<T,?> column, java.util.Comparator<T> comparator)
          Set the comparator used to sort the specified column in ascending order.

Constructors in with parameters of type Column
ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo(Column<?,?> column, boolean ascending)
          Construct a new ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo.

GWT 2.7.0