GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClientBundle Standard Cell subclasses used by the cellview widgets. Classes for aggregating static resources into bundles. The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of ClientBundle in

Subinterfaces of ClientBundle in
static interface ButtonCellBase.DefaultAppearance.Resources
          The resources used by this appearance.
(package private) static interface ImageLoadingCell.Resources
          The images used by the ImageLoadingCell.DefaultRenderers.

Uses of ClientBundle in

Subinterfaces of ClientBundle in
 interface ClientBundleWithLookup
          This is an extension of ClientBundle that allows for name-based lookup of resources.
(package private) static interface CommonResources.Bundle
          The ClientBundle of resources.

Uses of ClientBundle in

Subinterfaces of ClientBundle in
static interface CellBrowser.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
static interface CellList.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
static interface CellTable.BasicResources
          Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
static interface CellTable.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
static interface CellTree.BasicResources
          Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
static interface CellTree.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
static interface DataGrid.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
static interface SimplePager.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.

Uses of ClientBundle in

Subinterfaces of ClientBundle in
static interface CustomScrollPanel.Resources
          A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.
(package private) static interface DisclosurePanel.DefaultImages
static interface HorizontalSplitPanel.Resources
          Deprecated. The default resources used by this widget.
static interface MenuBar.Resources
          A ClientBundle that contains the default resources for this widget.
static interface NativeHorizontalScrollbar.Resources
          A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.
static interface NativeHorizontalScrollbar.ResourcesTransparant
          A variation of NativeHorizontalScrollbar.Resources that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
static interface NativeVerticalScrollbar.Resources
          A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.
static interface NativeVerticalScrollbar.ResourcesTransparant
          A variation of NativeVerticalScrollbar.Resources that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
static interface Tree.Resources
          A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
static interface VerticalSplitPanel.Resources
          Deprecated. The default resources used by this widget.

GWT 2.7.0