GWT 2.7.0


Type-introspection support classes used by generators.


Interface Summary
HasAnnotations Interface implemented by elements that can have annotations.
HasMetaData Deprecated. Formerly used to manage Javadoc-comment style metadata.
HasTypeParameters Interface implemented by elements that can have can have type parameters, namely classes and methods.
JAbstractMethod Common interface for JMethod and JConstructor.
JAnnotationMethod Method declared on an annotation type.
JAnnotationType Type representing an annotation type.
JArrayType Type representing a Java array.
JClassType Type used to represent any non-primitive type.
JConstructor Represents a constructor declaration.
JEnumConstant An enumeration constant declared in an enumerated type.
JEnumType Type representing a Java enumerated type.
JField Represents a field declaration.
JGenericType Type declaration that has type parameters.
JMethod Represents a method declaration.
JPackage Represents a logical package.
JParameter Represents a parameter in a declaration.
JParameterizedType Represents a parameterized type in a declaration.
JRawType Represents a raw type; that is a generic type with no type arguments.
JRealClassType Type representing a Java class or interface type that a user would declare.
JType Super interface for types.
JTypeParameter Represents one of the type parameters in a generic type.
JWildcardType Represents a wildcard type argument to a parameterized type.

Class Summary
JniConstants Constants used with JNI type descriptors.
TypeOracle Provides type-related information about a set of source files.

Enum Summary
JPrimitiveType Represents a primitive type in a declaration.
JWildcardType.BoundType Type of wildcard bound.

Exception Summary
BadTypeArgsException Thrown when an invalid type is specified as part of a gwt.typeArgs tag within a doc comment.
NotFoundException Indicates that the requested type info element could not be found.
ParseException Indicates that a source declaration was not parsed successfully.
TypeOracleException The superclass of exceptions thrown by TypeOracle.

Package Description

Type-introspection support classes used by generators. Developers implementing custom generators will use the classes in this package for introspection of the code being compiled.

GWT 2.7.0