GWT 2.7.0
Interface JType

All Known Subinterfaces:
JAnnotationType, JArrayType, JClassType, JEnumType, JGenericType, JParameterizedType, JRawType, JRealClassType, JTypeParameter, JWildcardType
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JType

Super interface for types.

Method Summary
 JType getErasedType()
          Returns this type with no type parameters or type variables.
 java.lang.String getJNISignature()
          Returns the "field descriptor" for a type as specified by the Java Virtual Machine Specification.
 JType getLeafType()
          For array types, recursively looks for the element type that is not an array.
 java.lang.String getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()
          Returns a type name as it would be specified in Java source, with the package name included.
 java.lang.String getQualifiedBinaryName()
          A binary type name as specified by the Java Language Spec, ThirdEdition.
 java.lang.String getQualifiedSourceName()
          Returns a type name as it would be specified in Java source, with the package name included.
 java.lang.String getSimpleSourceName()
          Returns the name of this class without the package name or enclosing class name.
 JAnnotationType isAnnotation()
          Returns this instance as a JAnnotationType if it is an annotation or null if it is not.
 JArrayType isArray()
 JClassType isClass()
          Returns this instance if the erased version of this type is a class (as opposed to a primitive, array, or interface) or null if it is not.
 JClassType isClassOrInterface()
          Returns this instance if the erased version of this type is a class or interface (as opposed to a primitive or array array) or null if it is not.
 JEnumType isEnum()
          Returns this instance if it is an enumeration or null if it is not.
 JGenericType isGenericType()
          Returns this instance if it is a real class that has type parameters or null if it is not.
 JClassType isInterface()
          Returns this instance if it is an interface or null if it is not.
 JParameterizedType isParameterized()
          Returns this instance as a JParameterizedType if it is a parameterized type or null if it is not.
 JPrimitiveType isPrimitive()
 JRawType isRawType()
          Returns the raw type if this is a JRawType, otherwise returns null.
 JTypeParameter isTypeParameter()
 JWildcardType isWildcard()

Method Detail


JType getErasedType()
Returns this type with no type parameters or type variables. See the JLS Third Edition section on Type Erasure.


java.lang.String getJNISignature()
Returns the "field descriptor" for a type as specified by the Java Virtual Machine Specification. Examples:


JType getLeafType()
For array types, recursively looks for the element type that is not an array. Otherwise, returns this type.


java.lang.String getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()
Returns a type name as it would be specified in Java source, with the package name included. Includes the type parameters. If called on a type parameter, does not include any bounds. For example, a type Foo declared in com.example would be given as "com.example.Foo", while the same type instantiated with Baz would be "com.example.Foo".


java.lang.String getQualifiedBinaryName()
A binary type name as specified by the Java Language Spec, ThirdEdition.


java.lang.String getQualifiedSourceName()
Returns a type name as it would be specified in Java source, with the package name included. Does not include the type parameters. If called on a type parameter, includes any bounds.


java.lang.String getSimpleSourceName()
Returns the name of this class without the package name or enclosing class name.


JAnnotationType isAnnotation()
Returns this instance as a JAnnotationType if it is an annotation or null if it is not.


JArrayType isArray()


JClassType isClass()
Returns this instance if the erased version of this type is a class (as opposed to a primitive, array, or interface) or null if it is not.


JClassType isClassOrInterface()
Returns this instance if the erased version of this type is a class or interface (as opposed to a primitive or array array) or null if it is not.


JEnumType isEnum()
Returns this instance if it is an enumeration or null if it is not.


JGenericType isGenericType()
Returns this instance if it is a real class that has type parameters or null if it is not.


JClassType isInterface()
Returns this instance if it is an interface or null if it is not.


JParameterizedType isParameterized()
Returns this instance as a JParameterizedType if it is a parameterized type or null if it is not.


JPrimitiveType isPrimitive()


JRawType isRawType()
Returns the raw type if this is a JRawType, otherwise returns null.


JTypeParameter isTypeParameter()


JWildcardType isWildcard()

GWT 2.7.0