GWT 2.7.0


Internationalization support for GWT applications.


Interface Summary
AutoDirectionHandler.Target The interface an object must implement in order to add an AutoDirectionHandler to it.
Constants A tag interface that facilitates locale-sensitive, compile-time binding of constant values supplied from properties files.
ConstantsWithLookup Like Constants, a tag interface that facilitates locale-sensitive, compile-time binding of constant values supplied from properties files with the added ability to look up constants at runtime with a string key.
CurrencyData Information about a currency.
CustomDateTimeFormat Create a custom localized date/time format at compile time.
DateTimeFormatInfo Deprecated. use DateTimeFormatInfo instead
HasDirection A widget that implements this interface has the ability to override the document directionality for its root element.
Localizable For backwards compatibility only.
LocalizableResource This is the common superinterface to Messages and Constants.
LocalizedNames Provides an API for obtaining localized names for a locale.
Messages A tag interface that facilitates locale-sensitive, compile-time binding of messages supplied from various sources.Using GWT.create(class) to "instantiate" an interface that extends Messages returns an instance of an automatically generated subclass that is implemented using message templates selected based on locale.
PluralRule The interface that plural rules must implement.

Class Summary
AutoDirectionHandler Utility class for handling auto-direction adjustment.
BidiPolicy Provides low-level functionality to determine whether to support bidi.
BidiPolicy.BidiPolicyImpl Implementation class for BidiPolicy.
BidiPolicy.BidiPolicyImplOn Implementation class for BidiPolicy used when bidi is always on.
BidiUtils A set of bidi-related utility methods.
CurrencyList Generated class containing all the CurrencyImpl instances.
DateTimeConstantsAdapter Adapter that makes a DateTimeFormatInfo implementation suitable for use with something that wants a DateTimeConstants.
DateTimeFormat Formats and parses dates and times using locale-sensitive patterns.
DateTimeFormatInfoAdapter Adapter that makes a DateTimeConstants implementation suitable for use with something that wants a DateTimeFormatInfo.
DefaultCurrencyData A default CurrencyData implementation, so new methods can be added to the interface without breaking implementors if a reasonable default is available.
DefaultDateTimeFormatInfo For backwards compatibility only.
DefaultLocalizedNames Default LocalizedNames implementation.
DefaultLocalizedNamesBase Base class of DefaultLocalizedNames, used just to isolate all hand-written code here from all generated code.
Dictionary Provides dynamic string lookup of key/value string pairs defined in a module's host HTML page.
LocaleInfo Provides access to the currently-active locale and the list of available locales.
NumberFormat Formats and parses numbers using locale-sensitive patterns.
PluralRule.PluralForm Information about the plural forms supported by this rule which will be used during code generation and by tools to provide information to translators.
TimeZone The TimeZone class implements a time zone information source for client applications.
TimeZoneInfo A JavaScript Overlay type on top of the JSON data describing everything we need to know about a particular timezone.

Enum Summary
DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat Predefined date/time formats -- see CustomDateTimeFormat if you need some format that isn't supplied here.
HasDirection.Direction Possible return values for HasDirection.getDirection() and parameter values for HasDirection.setDirection(Direction).Widgets that implement this interface can either have a direction that is right-to-left (RTL), left-to-right (LTR), or default (which means that their directionality is inherited from their parent widget).

Annotation Types Summary
Constants.DefaultBooleanValue Default boolean value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Constants.DefaultDoubleValue Default double value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Constants.DefaultFloatValue Default float value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Constants.DefaultIntValue Default integer value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Constants.DefaultStringArrayValue Default string array value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Constants.DefaultStringMapValue Default string map value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Constants.DefaultStringValue Default string value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
CustomDateTimeFormat.Pattern Annotation containing the pattern skeleton.
LocalizableResource.DefaultLocale Specifies the default locale for messages in this file.
LocalizableResource.Description Specifies a description of the string to be translated, such as a note about the context.
LocalizableResource.Generate Requests that a translation source file be generated from the annotated interface.
LocalizableResource.GeneratedFrom Annotation indicating this is a generated file and the source file it was generated from.
LocalizableResource.GenerateKeys Requests that the keys for messages be generated automatically.
LocalizableResource.Key The key used for lookup of translated strings.
LocalizableResource.Meaning Specifies the meaning of the translated string.
Messages.AlternateMessage Provides alternate forms of a message, such as are needed when plural forms are used or a placeholder has known gender.
Messages.DefaultMessage Default text to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Messages.Example An example of the annotated parameter to assist translators.
Messages.Offset Ignored except on parameters also tagged with Messages.PluralCount, and provides an offset to be subtracted from the value before a plural rule is chosen or the value is formatted.
Messages.Optional Indicates the specified parameter is optional and need not appear in a particular translation of this message.
Messages.PluralCount Provides multiple plural forms based on a count.
Messages.PluralText Deprecated. use Messages.AlternateMessage instead
Messages.Select Provides multiple forms based on a dynamic parameter.

Package Description

Internationalization support for GWT applications. GWT includes a flexible set of tools to help you internationalize your applications and libraries. GWT internationalization support provides a variety of techniques to internationalize strings, typed values, and classes.

GWT 2.7.0