GWT 2.7.0
Class AutoDirectionHandler

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
KeyUpHandler, EventHandler, HasDirectionEstimator

public class AutoDirectionHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements KeyUpHandler, HasDirectionEstimator

Utility class for handling auto-direction adjustment. This class is useful for automatically adjusting the direction of an object that takes text input, while the text is being entered.

Nested Class Summary
static interface AutoDirectionHandler.Target
          The interface an object must implement in order to add an AutoDirectionHandler to it.
Method Summary
static AutoDirectionHandler addTo(AutoDirectionHandler.Target target)
          Operates like addTo(Target, DirectionEstimator), but always uses a default DirectionEstimator, WordCountDirectionEstimator.
static AutoDirectionHandler addTo(AutoDirectionHandler.Target target, boolean enabled)
          Operates like addTo(Target, DirectionEstimator), but uses a default DirectionEstimator, WordCountDirectionEstimator if enabled, or else a null DirectionEstimator, which means disabling direction estimation.
static AutoDirectionHandler addTo(AutoDirectionHandler.Target target, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
          Adds auto-direction adjustment to a given object: - Creates an AutoDirectionHandler.
 DirectionEstimator getDirectionEstimator()
          Returns the DirectionEstimator object.
 void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
          Automatically adjusts hasDirection's direction on KeyUpEvent events.
 void refreshDirection()
          Adjusts target's direction according to the estimated direction of the text it supplies.
 void setDirectionEstimator(boolean enabled)
          Toggles direction estimation on (using a default estimator) and off.
 void setDirectionEstimator(DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
          Sets the DirectionEstimator object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static AutoDirectionHandler addTo(AutoDirectionHandler.Target target)
Operates like addTo(Target, DirectionEstimator), but always uses a default DirectionEstimator, WordCountDirectionEstimator.

target - Object whose direction should be automatically adjusted on relevant events.
AutoDirectionHandler An instance of AutoDirectionHandler for the given object.


public static AutoDirectionHandler addTo(AutoDirectionHandler.Target target,
                                         boolean enabled)
Operates like addTo(Target, DirectionEstimator), but uses a default DirectionEstimator, WordCountDirectionEstimator if enabled, or else a null DirectionEstimator, which means disabling direction estimation.

target - Object whose direction should be automatically adjusted on relevant events.
enabled - Whether the handler is enabled upon creation.
AutoDirectionHandler An instance of AutoDirectionHandler for the given object.


public static AutoDirectionHandler addTo(AutoDirectionHandler.Target target,
                                         DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
Adds auto-direction adjustment to a given object: - Creates an AutoDirectionHandler. - Initializes it with the given DirectionEstimator. - Adds it as an event handler for the relevant events on the given object. - Returns the AutoDirectionHandler, so its setAutoDir() method can be called when the object's text changes by means other than the handled events.

target - Object whose direction should be automatically adjusted on relevant events.
directionEstimator - A DirectionEstimator object used for direction estimation (use null to disable direction estimation).
AutoDirectionHandler An instance of AutoDirectionHandler for the given object.


public DirectionEstimator getDirectionEstimator()
Returns the DirectionEstimator object.

Specified by:
getDirectionEstimator in interface HasDirectionEstimator


public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
Automatically adjusts hasDirection's direction on KeyUpEvent events. Implementation of KeyUpHandler interface method.

Specified by:
onKeyUp in interface KeyUpHandler
event - the KeyUpEvent that was fired


public void refreshDirection()
Adjusts target's direction according to the estimated direction of the text it supplies.


public void setDirectionEstimator(boolean enabled)
Toggles direction estimation on (using a default estimator) and off.

Specified by:
setDirectionEstimator in interface HasDirectionEstimator
enabled - Whether to enable direction estimation. If true, sets the DirectionEstimator object to a default DirectionEstimator.


public void setDirectionEstimator(DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
Sets the DirectionEstimator object.

Specified by:
setDirectionEstimator in interface HasDirectionEstimator
directionEstimator - The DirectionEstimator to be set. null means turning off direction estimation.

GWT 2.7.0