GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use NumberFormat Standard Cell subclasses used by the cellview widgets. Internationalization support for GWT applications. Classes for parsing and rendering numbers, dates, and times. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of NumberFormat in

Constructors in with parameters of type NumberFormat
NumberCell(NumberFormat format)
          Construct a new NumberCell using the given NumberFormat and a SimpleSafeHtmlRenderer.
NumberCell(NumberFormat format, SafeHtmlRenderer<java.lang.String> renderer)
          Construct a new NumberCell using the given NumberFormat and a SafeHtmlRenderer.

Uses of NumberFormat in

Methods in that return NumberFormat
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyFormat()
          Provides the standard currency format for the current locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyFormat(CurrencyData currencyData)
          Provides the standard currency format for the current locale using a specified currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyFormat(java.lang.String currencyCode)
          Provides the standard currency format for the current locale using a specified currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat()
          Provides the standard decimal format for the default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
          Gets a NumberFormat instance for the default locale using the specified pattern and the default currencyCode.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getFormat(java.lang.String pattern, CurrencyData currencyData)
          Gets a custom NumberFormat instance for the default locale using the specified pattern and currency code.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getFormat(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String currencyCode)
          Gets a custom NumberFormat instance for the default locale using the specified pattern and currency code.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getGlobalCurrencyFormat()
          Provides the global currency format for the current locale, using its default currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getGlobalCurrencyFormat(CurrencyData currencyData)
          Provides the global currency format for the current locale, using a specified currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getGlobalCurrencyFormat(java.lang.String currencyCode)
          Provides the global currency format for the current locale, using a specified currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getPercentFormat()
          Provides the standard percent format for the default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getScientificFormat()
          Provides the standard scientific format for the default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getSimpleCurrencyFormat()
          Provides the simple currency format for the current locale using its default currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getSimpleCurrencyFormat(CurrencyData currencyData)
          Provides the simple currency format for the current locale using a specified currency.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getSimpleCurrencyFormat(java.lang.String currencyCode)
          Provides the simple currency format for the current locale using a specified currency.
 NumberFormat NumberFormat.overrideFractionDigits(int digits)
          Change the number of fractional digits used for formatting with this instance.
 NumberFormat NumberFormat.overrideFractionDigits(int minDigits, int maxDigits)
          Change the number of fractional digits used for formatting with this instance.

Uses of NumberFormat in

Constructors in with parameters of type NumberFormat
NumberFormatRenderer(NumberFormat format)
          Create an instance with the given format.

Uses of NumberFormat in

Constructors in with parameters of type NumberFormat
NumberLabel(NumberFormat format)

GWT 2.7.0