GWT 2.7.0


Classes for Animation support.


Interface Summary
AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback The callback used when an animation frame becomes available.

Class Summary
Animation An Animation is a continuous event that updates progressively over time at a non-fixed frame rate.
AnimationScheduler This class provides task scheduling for animations.
AnimationScheduler.AnimationHandle A handle to the requested animation frame created by AnimationScheduler.requestAnimationFrame(AnimationCallback, Element).
AnimationScheduler.AnimationSupportDetector Helper to detect native support for animations.
AnimationSchedulerImplStandard AnimationScheduler implementation that uses standard requestAnimationFrame API.
AnimationSchedulerImplTimer Implementation using a timer for browsers that do not support animation frames.

Package Description

Classes for Animation support. This package contains classes that provide animation support for various GWT components.

GWT 2.7.0