Each REM plugin has its server-side classes loaded in a child ClassLoader with REM’s main ClassLoader as its parent. By default, this is a simple URLClassLoader which delegates to REM’s class loader first before attempting to load a class from the plugin itself.

If your plugin needs to use a different version of a third-party library that is bundled with REM, it must specify that it requires the plugin-first class loader. This reverses the delegation order so that your plugin’s class loader will be checked first before delegating to REM’s class loader.


Open your plugin’s build/compile.xml Ant build script in an editor and add an entry to the jar’s manifest.

For example:

                <attribute name="Short-Name" value="example"/>
                <attribute name="Version" value="${plugin.version}"/>
                <attribute name="Description" value="${plugin.description}"/>
                <attribute name="Plugin-First-Class-Loader" value="true"/>


Rebuild your plugin and install it into REM.

Your plugin’s classes will now take precedence over those bundled with REM.

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