The LDAP Resource Adaptor creates several statistic parameter sets that can be monitored using the Rhino Stats tool.

Statistics parameter sets

The root parameter set is named LDAP-RA.entity-name and has three child parameter sets:

The LDAPSearchStats and LDAPBindStats parameter sets have statistics that are specific to search and bind queries respectively. The LDAPWorkerPoolStats parameter set contains statistics specific to the worker pool of the LDAP RA.

Tip A list of statistics with descriptions for each of these parameters sets can be displayed with the
rhino-stats -l command, as shown below.

LDAPSearchStats parameter set

Parameter Set: LDAP-RA.ldap.LDAPSearchStats
Parameter Set Type: ResourceAdaptorID[name=LDAP,vendor=OpenCloud,version=3.0].LDAPSearchStats
Description: Statistics for search queries of the LDAP RA

Counter type statistics:
  Id: Name:              Label:       Description:
  0   queries            queries      Number LDAP queries started by the RA
  1   successfulQueries  success      Number of successful LDAP queries
  2   failedQueries      failed       Number of failed LDAP queries
  3   activeConnections  connections  Current number of active connections to the LDAP server

Sample type statistics:
  Id: Name:         Label:     Description:
  4   connWaitTime  connwait   Time spent obtaining an LDAP connection from the pool
  5   queryTime     querytime  Time spent waiting for the search response

LDAPBindStats parameter set

Parameter Set: LDAP-RA.ldap.LDAPBindStats
Parameter Set Type: ResourceAdaptorID[name=LDAP,vendor=OpenCloud,version=3.0].LDAPBindStats
Description: Statistics for bind queries of the LDAP RA

Counter type statistics:
  Id: Name:              Label:   Description:
  0   queries            queries  Number LDAP queries started by the RA
  1   successfulQueries  success  Number of successful LDAP queries
  2   failedQueries      failed   Number of failed LDAP queries

Sample type statistics:
  Id: Name:         Label:     Description:
  3   queryTime     querytime  Time spent waiting for the bind response

LDAPWorkerPoolStats parameter set

Parameter Set: LDAP-RA.ldap.LDAPWorkerPoolStats
Parameter Set Type: ResourceAdaptorID[name=LDAP,vendor=OpenCloud,version=3.0].LDAPWorkerPoolStats
Description: Statistics for thread worker pool of the LDAP RA

Counter type statistics:
  Id: Name:             Label:     Description:
  0   availableThreads  availThrd  Current number of threads available to perform queries
  1   rejectedQueries   reject     Number of tasks that were rejected because the queue was full
  2   queueSize         qsize      Current number of queued tasks waiting to be executed
  3   queueTimeouts     timeouts   Number of tasks that timed out waiting on the queue

Sample type statistics:
  Id: Name:          Label:  Description:
  4   queueWaitTime  qwait   Time spent by tasks waiting in the queue
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