Application Characteristics Drive JAIN SLEE Design

There are many possible implementations of the JAIN SLEE standard. Different implementations provide different availability guarantees, have different cluster architectures, provide different ACID semantics, and exhibit different latency and throughput performance. Essentially it is the characteristics of the application and requirements for the application that dictate the necessary features or capabilities in a JAIN SLEE product.

There are many different types of applications that are run by today’s Network Operators, Enterprises and ISPs. These applications can differ significantly in the requirements. However as Gartner has identified, event driven applications typically have very strict latency, throughput and availability requirements.

In the following comparison we use the typical characteristics of 'Event-Driven Applications' and 'Enterprise Applications' as an example to outline the characteristics that different containers provide. Enterprise applications are typical EAI or database applications.

Event-Driven Applications Enterprise Applications


  • Typically asynchronous

    • Events such as protocol triggers

    • Events occurrences mapped to method invocations

  • Typically synchronous

    • Database, EAI systems

    • RPC Calls

Event Granularity

  • Fine-grained events

  • High Frequency

  • Course-grained events

  • Low Frequency


  • Light-weight fine-grained objects

  • Short transient lifetimes - Rapid creation, deletion

  • Heavy weight data access objects

  • Long persistent lifetimes

Data Sources

  • Multiple data sources

    • Location, context information

    • Provisioned data, cached from master copy

  • Database servers

    • Definitive master copy

  • Back-end systems


  • Light-weight transactions

    • For state replication demarcation

    • Faster completion and more frequent

  • Database transactions

    • Slower completion and less frequent


  • Compute-intensive

    • Processing is resource invocations and events

  • Database access intensive

    • Database, EAI systems

    • RPC Calls

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