This document describes and provides instructions for using OpenCloud’s FSM Tool to automate development of state-machine-based services for the Rhino SLEE.
The instructions in this section assume familiarity with JAIN SLEE and Rhino development, and the OpenCloud XDoclet tool. |
An overview of finite state machines (FSMs), FSM Tool finite state machine, FSM specifications, the FSM execution model, and how OpenCloud’s FSM Tool implements a FSM for the Rhino SLEE |
How FSM works with Rhino, using the FSM specification to code FSMs, current and planned features of the FSM Tool, and a sample FSM design |
Steps to download, install, and walk through a sample application developed with FSM Tool |
Instructions for developing a component with FSM Tool, including writing the FSM specification, generating an SBB and POJO FSM classes, extending the generated SBB and supporting classes, compiling, packaging, deploying, documenting, and tracing; plus configuring the FSM Tool Ant task for code generation; and descriptions and examples of common patterns in the FSM specification DSL |
A reference for the FSM definition language syntax |
A reference for the FSM definition language grammar. |
Other documentation for the FSM Tool can be found on the FSM Tool product page.