Class YearMonthDay

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DataObject, FastSerializable, Serializable

    public final class YearMonthDay
    extends AbstractLazyEncodedByteArray
    implements FastSerializable
    Class YearMonthDay represents a date.

    The API offered by this class is as if the type were specified in ASN.1 as follows.

     YearMonthDay ::= SEQUENCE {
         year   INTEGER,
         month  INTEGER,
         day    INTEGER
    The class takes care of encoding the field values into a byte-array and decoding field values from a byte-array, the encoded representation being as tabulated below. The digits are encoded separately in BCD. An INAP date has only two digits in the year, whereas a CAP date has four digits in the year.

    Data Encoding - based on comment in ASN.1 module Core-INAP-CS1-DataTypes
    Octet 0Year unitsYear tens
    Octet 1Month unitsMonth tens
    Octet 2Day unitsDay tens

    For example, 1993 September 30th is encoded as 399003 (assuming the high nibble is written before the low nibble).

    Data Encoding - based on comment in ASN.1 module CAP-DataTypes
    Octet 0Year hundredsYear thousands
    Octet 1Year unitsYear tens
    Octet 2Month unitsMonth tens
    Octet 3Day unitsDay tens

    For example, 1993 September 30th is encoded as 91399003 (assuming the high nibble is written before the low nibble).

    Note that the INAP form does not store millennium or century information. When encoding to INAP, the millennium and century digits are ignored. When decoding from INAP, a millennium and century are selected so that the resulting year lies in the range [1970,2069]; if a different range is needed, then use the returned year modulo 100 to obtain the raw value.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • YearMonthDay

        public YearMonthDay()
        Constructs a new YearMonthDay object with no fields set.
      • YearMonthDay

        public YearMonthDay​(byte[] data)
        Constructs a new YearMonthDay object from network-encoded data. The data is not decoded and might not be decodable.
        data - network-encoded data
        NullPointerException - if data is null
      • YearMonthDay

        public YearMonthDay​(byte[] data,
                            int start,
                            int len)
        Constructs a new YearMonthDay object from part of network-encoded data. The part starts at index start and is len bytes long. The data is not decoded and might not be decodable.
        data - network-encoded data
        start - starting offset of network-encoded data in byte array
        len - default length if not predictable
        NullPointerException - if data is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if len is negative
      • YearMonthDay

        public YearMonthDay​(int year,
                            int month,
                            int day)
        Constructs a new YearMonthDay object from given values for all fields.
        year - the year, in range [0,9999]
        month - the month, in range [1,12]
        day - the day of the month, in range [1,31]
      • YearMonthDay

        public YearMonthDay​(DataInput in)
                     throws IOException
        Constructs a new YearMonthDay object from data deserialized from a stream that was written by toStream(DataOutput).
        in - the stream to read from
        EOFException - if reading is pre-empted by end-of-file
        IOException - if the data cannot be read
    • Method Detail

      • hasYear

        public boolean hasYear()
                        throws DecodeException
        Tests whether the field Year has a value.
        whether the field has a value
        DecodeException - if encoded state cannot be decoded
      • setYearPresent

        public YearMonthDay setYearPresent​(boolean flag)
                                    throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the field Year.
        flag - whether the field should be marked as present
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only
      • hasMonth

        public boolean hasMonth()
                         throws DecodeException
        Tests whether the field Month has a value.
        whether the field has a value
        DecodeException - if encoded state cannot be decoded
      • setMonthPresent

        public YearMonthDay setMonthPresent​(boolean flag)
                                     throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the field Month.
        flag - whether the field should be marked as present
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only
      • hasDay

        public boolean hasDay()
                       throws DecodeException
        Tests whether the field Day has a value.
        whether the field has a value
        DecodeException - if encoded state cannot be decoded
      • setDayPresent

        public YearMonthDay setDayPresent​(boolean flag)
                                   throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the presence or absence of the field Day.
        flag - whether the field should be marked as present
        IllegalStateException - if this instance has been marked as read-only
      • getYear

        public int getYear()
                    throws DecodeException
        Gets the value of the year, in range [0,9999].
        int representation of the year, in range [0,9999]
        DecodeException - if encoded state cannot be decoded
      • getMonth

        public int getMonth()
                     throws DecodeException
        Gets the value of the month, in range [1,12].
        int representation of the month, in range [1,12]
        DecodeException - if encoded state cannot be decoded
      • getDay

        public int getDay()
                   throws DecodeException
        Gets the value of the day of the month, in range [1,31].
        int representation of the day of the month, in range [1,31]
        DecodeException - if encoded state cannot be decoded
      • copyOf

        public static YearMonthDay copyOf​(YearMonthDay from)
        Creates a new object of this type, cloning the values of common fields from the given object of any subclass of the same base type.
        from - the object from which to copy
      • getFieldAccessors

        public static FieldAccessor[] getFieldAccessors()
        Gets a new array of the accessors for fields of this type.
      • getFieldsMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getFieldsMap​(boolean withAbsents)
        Gets a Map from field-name to field-value for the fields of a sequence. For a field of primitive type, the field-value is boxed. For an absent optional field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_ABSENT. For an uninitialised mandatory field, the field-value is AbstractFieldsObject.FIELD_UNINITIALISED. For a field of String type, the encoded form is used if the String cannot be decoded. For a type that represents an OCTET STRING that cannot be decoded, a map from "encodedValue" to the byte array value is returned.
        Specified by:
        getFieldsMap in class AbstractFieldsObject
        withAbsents - whether to put absent optional fields into Map
        Map from field-name to field-value
      • encodedIsInvalid

        protected boolean encodedIsInvalid()
        Determines whether the encoded form is invalid.
      • getEncodedForm

        public byte[] getEncodedForm()
                              throws EncodeException
        Gets the encoded form.
        encoded form
        EncodeException - if encoding fails
      • getContainedLength

        public static int getContainedLength​(byte[] data,
                                             int start,
                                             int len)
        Determines the length of the encoded value that commences at offset start in the given data. The value is not fully decoded and might not be decodable. Values of this type are of variable length, so the given length is returned if the data is long enough, otherwise 0 is returned.
        data - network-encoded data
        start - index into data where value commences
        len - length in data to be considered
        len, or 0 if encoded value is not long enough
      • getInapEncodedForm

        public byte[] getInapEncodedForm()
        Gets the INAP encoded form of this YearMonthDay instance. The INAP encoded form is a BCD-encoded byte array of length 3 in the form YYMMDD.
        the INAP encoded form of this YearMonthDay instance
      • getCapEncodedForm

        public byte[] getCapEncodedForm()
        Gets the CAP encoded form of this YearMonthDay instance. The CAP encoded form is a BCD-encoded byte array of length 4 in the form YYYYMMDD.
        the CAP encoded form of this YearMonthDay instance