The CGIN (Computer Generated Intelligent Network) Connectivity Pack integrates the Rhino platform with SS7 networks and supports functional and load testing of SS7-based applications.
CGIN supports both industry standard and vendor-variant SS7 protocols. CGIN also includes tools to support functional and load testing of SS7-based applications.
For more information about the CGIN connectivity pack read:
CGIN solves a number of challenges:
We need to support vendor variants of standard protocols.
We need to rapidly address integration issues with new equipment, because not all implementations of the standards are truly equal.
We need to support partners who wished to choose the SS7 stack or indeed had their own SS7 stack.
We use compiler-design and code-generation techniques to take protocol descriptions in ASN.1, and auto-generate not only the TCAP library, but the entire set of resource adaptor and associated metadata that a suite of tools needs for functional and load testing.