The Unified RA and the Scenario Simulator support TCAP in two ways, integrating with:

  • a simulated TCAP stack: a Java TCAP stack that simulates most of the behaviour of a real stack — but only connects to other simulated TCAP stacks — to support development and testing without requiring a real SS7 network

  • real TCAP stack interfaces:

Simulated TCAP stack

The sim TCAP stack simulates most of the behaviour of a real SS7 network. It is embedded in both the Unified Resource Adaptor and the Scenario Simulator, and can be used for testing without the need for a real TCAP stack.

Warning The sim TCAP stack is ideal to augment your testing capabilities. However it is not a substitute for testing on a real network.

Each TCAP simulator (in the Unified Resource Adaptor entity and CGIN Scenario Simulator) connects to other TCAP simulator instances directly using SUA over a proprietary TCP-based protocol. Each TCAP simulator uses SUA dynamic routing configuration to discover its routing configuration, plus each has its own global title translation table.

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