Class UpdateTerminationRequest

  • public abstract class UpdateTerminationRequest
    extends Object
    A function for updating a termination request before it is transmitted by the RA. A termination request is a CANCEL or BYE[*] generated by the RA when it needs to cancel a branch of a ForkActivity. The request may be updated with Reason headers or other info that informs the remote endpoint why the branch was terminated.

    [*] BYEs may be sent on cancelled branches where the 2xx arrived before the CANCEL could be sent.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateTerminationRequest

        public UpdateTerminationRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public abstract javax.sip.message.Request apply​(javax.sip.message.Request request,
                                                        TerminationReason reason)
        Apply updates to the termination request before it is transmitted.
        request - a CANCEL or BYE request generated by the RA to terminate a particular branch.
        reason - a TerminationReason object indicating why the branch is terminated. This may be used to determine the appropriate information to add to the request.
        the updated Request object.