Planning for the procedure

Background knowledge

This procedure assumes that:

  • you are installing into an existing VMware vSphere deployment which has pre-configured networks and VLANs; this procedure does not cover setting up a VMware vSphere deployment from scratch

  • you have deployed a SIMPL VM, unpacked the CSAR, and prepared an SDF.

Reserve maintenance period

This procedure does not require a maintenance period. However, if you are integrating into a live network, we recommend that you implement measures to mitigate any unforeseen events.

Plan for service impact

This procedure does not impact service.


You must be a system operator to perform the MOP steps.

Tools and access

You must have access to the SIMPL VM, and the SIMPL VM must have the right permissions on the VMware vSphere deployment.

Method of procedure

Note Refer to the SIMPL VM Documentation for details on the commands mentioned in the procedure.

Step 1 - Validate REM RVT configuration

Validate the configuration for the REM nodes to ensure that each REM node can properly self-configure.

To validate the configuration after creating the YAML files, run

rvtconfig validate -t rem -i <yaml-config-file-directory>

on the SIMPL VM from the resources subdirectory of the REM CSAR.

Step 2 - Upload REM RVT configuration

Upload the configuration for the REM nodes to the CDS. This will enable each REM node to self-configure when they are deployed in the next step.

To upload configuration after creating the YAML files and validating them as described above, run

rvtconfig upload-config -c <cds-mgmt-addresses> -t rem -i <yaml-config-file-directory> (--vm-version-source this-rvtconfig | --vm-version <version>)

on the SIMPL VM from the resources subdirectory of the REM CSAR.

See Example configuration YAML files for example configuration files.

Step 3 - Deploy the OVA

Run csar deploy --vnf rem --sdf <path to SDF>.

This will validate the SDF, and generate the terraform template. After successful validation, this will upload the image, and deploy the number of REM nodes specified in the SDF.

Warning Only one node type should be deployed at the same time. I.e. when deploying these REM nodes, don’t deploy other node types at the same time in parallel.

Backout procedure

To delete the deployed VMs, run csar delete --vnf rem --sdf <path to SDF>.

You must also delete the MDM state for each VM. To do this, you must first SSH into one of the MDM VMs. Get the instance IDs by running: mdmhelper --deployment-id <deployment ID> instance list. Then for each REM VM, run the following command:

curl -X DELETE -k \
     --cert /etc/certs-agent/upload/mdm-cert.crt \
     --cacert /etc/certs-agent/upload/mdm-cas.crt \
     --key /etc/certs-agent/upload/mdm-key.key \<deployment ID>/instances/<instance ID>

Verify that the deletion worked by running mdmhelper --deployment-id <deployment ID> instance list again. You may now log out of the MDM VM.

You must also delete state for this node type and version from the CDS prior to re-deploying the VMs. To delete the state, run rvtconfig delete-node-type --cassandra-contact-point <any CDS IP> --deployment-id <deployment ID>
--site-id <site ID> --node-type rem
(--vm-version-source [this-vm | this-rvtconfig] | --vm-version <vm_version>)

Next Step

Follow the verification instructions here: Verify the state of the nodes and processes

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Rhino VoLTE TAS VMs Version 4.0.0