Class OperationResult

  • public final class OperationResult
    extends Operation
    An operation invoke result sent or received by an interceptor extension component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationResult

        public OperationResult​(TcapOperation op,
                               int invokeID,
                               Object result,
                               boolean last)
        Create a new operation representing an invoke result.
        op - operation metadata object that identifies the operation.
        invokeID - the invoke ID for the operation.
        result - the operation result, or null if there is no result.
        last - boolean flag indicating if this is the last result for the operation.
      • OperationResult

        public OperationResult​(OperationResultEvent replacing,
                               TcapOperation op,
                               Object result)
        Create a new operation representing an invoke result that replaces an existing invoke result. The new operation will inherit the invoke ID and last parameters of the result it is replacing.
        replacing - the operation result event that the new result is to replace.
        op - operation metadata object that identifies the result operation.
        result - the new result argument, or null if there is no argument.
      • OperationResult

        public OperationResult​(OperationResult replacing,
                               Object result)
        Create a new operation representing an invoke result that replaces an existing invoke result of the same type. This method effectively just replaces the existing operation's argument. The new operation will inherit the operation type, invoke ID, and last parameters of the result it is replacing.
        replacing - the operation result that the new result is to replace.
        result - the new result argument, or null if there is no argument.
      • OperationResult

        public OperationResult​(OperationResult replacing,
                               TcapOperation op,
                               Object result)
        Create a new operation representing an invoke result that replaces an existing invoke result. The new operation will inherit the invoke ID and last parameters of the result it is replacing.
        replacing - the operation result that the new result is to replace.
        op - operation metadata object that identifies the result operation.
        result - the new result argument, or null if there is no argument.
      • OperationResult

        public OperationResult​(OperationResultEvent replacing,
                               Object result)
        Create a new operation representing an invoke result that replaces an existing invoke result of the same type. This method effectively just replaces the existing operation's argument. The new operation will inherit the operation type, invoke ID, and last parameters of the result it is replacing.
        replacing - the operation result event that the new result is to replace.
        result - the new result argument, or null if there is no argument.
    • Method Detail

      • getResult

        public Object getResult()
        Get the operation argument.
        the operation argument, or null if there is no argument.
      • isLast

        public boolean isLast()
        Determine if this is the last result for the operation.
        true if this is the last result for the operation, false otherwise.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from class: Operation
        Get a descriptive name for this operation.
        Specified by:
        getName in class Operation
        a name.