ActivateExternalPlatformAddressTask |
Activate a SIP or IN address in an external platform definition for a SIS RA entity.
ActivateTriggerTask |
Activates a SIS trigger component deployed in a SIS RA entity.
AddDefaultNetworkRouteTask |
Adds a default network route to a SIS RA entity.
AddExternalPlatformAddressTask |
Add a SIP or IN address to an external platform definition for a SIS RA entity.
AddNetworkRouteTask |
Adds a network route to a SIS RA entity.
ComponentBasedTask |
ComponentElement |
CompositionComponentElement |
This element specifies a CompositionID to use when managing SIS composition components.
CreateExtensionRefTask |
Create an extension reference for a SIS RA entity.
CreateExternalPlatformTask |
Create an external platform definition for a SIS RA entity.
CreateInterceptorRefTask |
Create an interceptor reference for a SIS RA entity.
CreateNetworkInterfaceTask |
Create a network interface definition for a SIS RA entity.
CreateServiceRefTask |
Create a service reference for a SIS RA entity.
DeactivateExternalPlatformAddressTask |
Deactivate a SIP or IN address in an external platform definition for a SIS RA entity.
DeactivateTriggerTask |
Deactivates a SIS trigger component deployed in a SIS RA entity.
DisableExperimentalFeatureTask |
Disables an experimental feature in a SIS RA entity.
DisableNetworkInterfaceTask |
Disables a network interface on a SIS RA entity.
EnableExperimentalFeatureTask |
Enables an experimental feature in a SIS RA entity.
EnableNetworkInterfaceTask |
Enables a network interface on a SIS RA entity.
FileBasedTask |
InstallAddressSubscriptionTask |
Installs an address subscription into a SIS RA entity.
InstallCompositionTask |
Installs a SIS composition component from a file.
InstallInterceptorTask |
Installs a SIS interceptor component from a file.
InstallMacroTask |
Installs a SIS macro component from a file.
InstallTriggerTask |
Installs a SIS trigger component from a file.
InterceptorComponentElement |
This element specifies a InterceptorID to use when managing SIS interceptor components.
MacroComponentElement |
This element specifies a MacroID to use when managing SIS macro components.
PropertyBasedTask |
PropertyElement |
This element specifies a property to pass when updating a network interface definition.
ReloadTask |
RemoveDefaultNetworkRouteTask |
Removes a default network route from a SIS RA entity.
RemoveExtensionRefTask |
Remove an extension reference from a SIS RA entity.
RemoveExternalPlatformAddressTask |
Remove a SIP or IN address from an external platform definition for a SIS RA entity.
RemoveExternalPlatformTask |
Remove an external platform definition from a SIS RA entity.
RemoveInterceptorRefTask |
Remove an interceptor reference from a SIS RA entity.
RemoveNetworkInterfaceTask |
Removes a network interface definition from a SIS RA entity.
RemoveNetworkRouteTask |
Removes a network route from a SIS RA entity.
RemoveServiceRefTask |
Remove a service reference from a SIS RA entity.
ReplaceCompositionTask |
Replaces a SIS composition component from a file.
ReplaceExtensionRefTask |
Replaces an extension reference for a SIS RA entity.
ReplaceInterceptorRefTask |
Replaces an interceptor reference for a SIS RA entity.
ReplaceInterceptorTask |
Replaces a SIS interceptor component from a file.
ReplaceMacroTask |
Replaces a SIS macro component from a file.
ReplaceServiceRefTask |
Replaces a service reference for a SIS RA entity.
ReplaceTriggerTask |
Replaces a SIS trigger component from a file.
SelectorElement |
Nested element used in SetTriggerAddressTracingSelectorsTask s.
ServiceComponentElement |
This element specifies a ServiceID to use when managing SIS components.
SetAddressSubscriptionsProfileTableNameTask |
Set the Address Subscriptions profile table name for a SIS RA entity.
SetAuditLevelTask |
SetDefaultServiceTimeoutTask |
Set the default service timeout for a SIS RA entity.
SetFineGrainedTracingTask |
Enable or disable fine-grained tracing for a SIS RA entity.
SetTriggerAddressAuditLoggingTask |
Set the debug level for an address for a SIS RA entity.
SetTriggerAddressDebugLevelTask |
Set the debug level for an address for a SIS RA entity.
SISManagementTask |
SIS Management Ant Task.
SISSubTask |
TriggerComponentElement |
This element specifies a TriggerID to use when managing SIS trigger components.
UninstallAddressSubscriptionTask |
Uninstalls an address subscription from a SIS RA entity.
UninstallCompositionTask |
Uninstalls a SIS composition component from a SIS RA entity.
UninstallInterceptorTask |
Uninstalls a SIS interceptor component from a SIS RA entity.
UninstallMacroTask |
Uninstalls a SIS macro component from a SIS RA entity.
UninstallTriggerTask |
Uninstalls a SIS trigger component from a SIS RA entity.
UpdateAddressSubscriptionTask |
Update an existing address subscription in a SIS RA entity.
UpdateCompositionTask |
Update the fine-grained tracing debug level or auditing attributes of a composition for a SIS RA entity.
UpdateDefaultNetworkRouteTask |
Updates an existing default network route in a SIS RA entity.
UpdateExtensionRefTask |
Updates configurable properties of an extension reference for a SIS RA entity.
UpdateExternalPlatformTask |
Update an external platform definition for a SIS RA entity.
UpdateNetworkInterfaceTask |
Update a network interface definition for a SIS RA entity.
UpdateNetworkRouteTask |
Updates an existing network route in a SIS RA entity.
UpdateServiceRefTask |
Updates configurable properties of a service reference for a SIS RA entity.