Class SISManagementTask

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    public class SISManagementTask
    SIS Management Ant Task. Executes a series of sub-tasks to perform management operations on a SIS RA entity.

    This task establishes a connection to a SIS RA entity or, if one is available, uses an existing connection from a previous SIS management task that ran in the same Ant session. Connections are not disconnected at the end of a task, rather they are kept open for possible subsequent tasks and only disconnected when the entire Ant build is complete.

    The connection parameters (host, port, username, password, and raentity) only need to be specified once per Ant session. Subsequent invovations of this task in the same Ant session will reuse the last successful connection. Further, the host, port, username and password parameters can be set automatically from Ant properties, see the table below. The raentity parameter must be specified the first time this task is invoked, so that a connection is established to a SIS RA entity MBean.

    Ant Parameters

    Attribute Description Required
    host Hostname or IP address of Rhino node Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${} property is defined instead.
    port Port for the RMI management interface. Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${rhino.remote.port} property is defined instead.
    username User for the RMI management interface. Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${rhino.remote.user} property is defined instead.
    password Password for the RMI management interface. Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${rhino.remote.password} property is defined instead.
    raentity Name of the SIS RA entity to manage. Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session.
    failifmissing Failure case behaviour if the specified SIS RA entity does not exist, if set to 'false' or 'no', the build will continue (without executing any sub tasks) if the client cannot connect to the SIS RA entity. No, default is 'true'
    failonerror Default failure case behaviour for subtasks, if set to 'false' or 'no', the build will continue when a sub task attempts a redundant action. No, default is 'false'

    Subtasks specified as nested elements

    The following sub task elements can be provided in any number and in any order. The SIS management task will execute these sub tasks in the specified order until a sub task fails by throwing a BuildException, which will be re-thrown to Ant with some contextual information regarding the sub task that caused it.

    Element Description
    installmacro Installs a SIS macro component from a file.
    uninstallmacro Uninstalls a deployed SIS macro component.
    replacemacro Replaces a deployed SIS macro component with new content from a file.
    installtrigger Installs a SIS trigger component from a file.
    uninstalltrigger Uninstalls a deployed SIS trigger component.
    replacemacro Replaces a deployed SIS trigger component with new content from a file.
    activatetrigger Activates a SIS trigger component.
    deactivatetrigger Deactivates a SIS trigger component.
    installcomposition Installs a SIS composition component from a file.
    uninstallcomposition Uninstalls a deployed SIS composition component.
    replacemacro Replaces a deployed SIS composition component with new content from a file.
    setdefaultservicetimeout Set the SIS default service timeout.
    setfinegrainedtracing Enabled or disable fine-grained tracing.
    setauditlevel Sets the amount of audit logging that the SIS will generate.
    createextensionref Creates a SIS extension reference.
    replaceextensionref Replaces an existing SIS extension reference.
    removeextensionref Removes a SIS extension reference.
    updateextensionref Update configurable properties of a SIS extension reference.
    replaceserviceref Replaces an existing SIS service reference.
    removeserviceref Removes a SIS service reference.
    createexternalplatform Creates a SIS external platform definition.
    removeexternalplatform Removes a SIS external platform definition.
    addexternalplatformaddress Adds a SIP or IN address to an external platform definition.
    activateexternalplatformaddress Activates an address in an external platform definition.
    deactivateexternalplatformaddress Deactivates an address in an external platform definition.
    removeexternalplatformaddress Remove a SIP or IN address from an external platform definition.
    setaddresssubscriptionprofiletablename Sets the name of the SIS address subscriptions profile table.
    installaddresssubscription Installs a SIS address subscription.
    updateaddresssubscription Updates an existing SIS address subscription.
    uninstalladdresssubscription Uninstalls a SIS address subscription.
    createnetworkinterface Creates a SIS network interface definition.
    updatenetworkinterface Updates a existing SIS network interface definition.
    removenetworkinterface Removes a SIS network interface definition.
    enablenetworkinterface Enables a network interface in a SIS instance..
    disablenetworkinterface Disables a network interface in a SIS instance..
    addnetworkroute Adds a SIS network route.
    updatenetworkroute Updates an existing SIS network route.
    removenetworkroute Removes a SIS network route.
    adddefaultnetworkroute Adds a default SIS network route.
    updatedefaultnetworkroute Updates an existing default SIS network route.
    removedefaultnetworkroute Removes a default SIS network route.
    settriggeraddressdebuglevel Sets the fine-grained tracing debug level associated with a trigger address.
    enableexperimentalfeature Enables an experimental feature in a SIS instance.
    disableexperimentalfeature Disables an experimental feature in a SIS instance.
    reload Reloads the SIS configuration. Required for changes to take effect.