The SIS automatically converts a literal constant value assigned or compared to a enumerated datatype into its enumerated object equivalent.

Consider the following example:


In this case, the SIS knows that the type of the ${initial-dp.arg.event-type-bcsm} variable is the named integer type CCEventTypeBCSM — so it tries to find the enumerated value of that type, with the name analyzedInformation, for the comparison.

When the SIS can’t determine the type

In some cases, however, you may want to assign an enumerated value constant to a variable that the SIS cannot determine a concrete type for. For example, the variable may be defined as a generic NamedInteger type, or the variable may be a user-defined variable. In these situations, the SIS has no way of knowing how to convert a string or numerical constant value for assignment into anything more useful. Consider the example below:


Here, the SIS will assign the literal string value “analyzedInformation” to the user variable, rather than the intended enumerated value with that name.

Tip To alleviate this problem, the SIS provides an <enum> object constructor element for ENUMERATED variable types. This element requires the fully-qualified class name of the enumerated datatype and the enumerated value to be specified. The constructor returns the indicated enumerated value. For example:
<assign toVariable="${user.event-type-bcsm}">
Warning If the class is unknown by the SIS, or is not an enumerated type, or the specified value is not a known value for the enumerated type, the constructor will fail.

Creating enumerated values from a constant value

Note that, as enumerated values are just named integer values, it’s also possible to create enumerated values from a constant numerical value rather than a named value. For example, the following produces the same result as the preceding example, since analyzedInformation is the named value for the integer 3 within this datatype:

<assign toVariable="${user.event-type-bcsm}>
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