public class SISManagementTask
This task establishes a connection to a SIS RA entity or, if one is available, uses an existing connection from a previous SIS management task that ran in the same Ant session. Connections are not disconnected at the end of a task, rather they are kept open for possible subsequent tasks and only disconnected when the entire Ant build is complete.
The connection parameters (host
, port
, username
, password
and raentity
) only need to be specified once per Ant session.
Subsequent invovations of this task in the same Ant session will reuse the last successful connection.
Further, the host
, port
, username
and password
parameters can be set automatically from Ant properties, see the table below. The raentity
must be specified the first time this task is invoked, so that a connection is established to a SIS RA entity MBean.
Attribute | Description | Required |
host | Hostname or IP address of Rhino node | Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${} property is defined instead. |
port | Port for the RMI management interface. | Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${rhino.remote.port} property is defined instead. |
username | User for the RMI management interface. | Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${rhino.remote.user} property is defined instead. |
password | Password for the RMI management interface. | Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. May be omitted if ${rhino.remote.password} property is defined instead. |
raentity | Name of the SIS RA entity to manage. | Only for the first use of the connection in each Ant session. |
failifmissing | Failure case behaviour if the specified SIS RA entity does not exist, if set to 'false' or 'no', the build will continue (without executing any sub tasks) if the client cannot connect to the SIS RA entity. | No, default is 'true' |
failonerror | Default failure case behaviour for subtasks, if set to 'false' or 'no', the build will continue when a sub task attempts a redundant action. | No, default is 'false' |
, which will be re-thrown to Ant with some contextual information
regarding the sub task that caused it.
Element | Description |
installmacro |
Installs a SIS macro component from a file. |
uninstallmacro |
Uninstalls a deployed SIS macro component. |
replacemacro |
Replaces a deployed SIS macro component with new content from a file. |
installtrigger |
Installs a SIS trigger component from a file. |
uninstalltrigger |
Uninstalls a deployed SIS trigger component. |
replacemacro |
Replaces a deployed SIS trigger component with new content from a file. |
activatetrigger |
Activates a SIS trigger component. |
deactivatetrigger |
Deactivates a SIS trigger component. |
installcomposition |
Installs a SIS composition component from a file. |
uninstallcomposition |
Uninstalls a deployed SIS composition component. |
replacemacro |
Replaces a deployed SIS composition component with new content from a file. |
updatecomposition |
Updates an existing SIS composition. |
updateincomposition |
Updates IN-specific properties of an existing SIS composition. |
setdefaultservicetimeout |
Set the SIS default service timeout. |
setfinegrainedtracing |
Enabled or disable fine-grained tracing. |
setauditlevel |
Sets the amount of audit logging that the SIS will generate. |
createextensionref |
Creates a SIS extension reference. |
replaceextensionref |
Replaces an existing SIS extension reference. |
removeextensionref |
Removes a SIS extension reference. |
updateextensionref |
Update configurable properties of a SIS extension reference. |
createserviceref |
Creates a SIS service reference. |
replaceserviceref |
Replaces an existing SIS service reference. |
updateserviceref |
Update configurable properties of a SIS service reference. |
removeserviceref |
Removes a SIS service reference. |
createexternalplatform |
Creates a SIS external platform definition. |
removeexternalplatform |
Removes a SIS external platform definition. |
addexternalplatformaddress |
Adds a SIP or IN address to an external platform definition. |
activateexternalplatformaddress |
Activates an address in an external platform definition. |
deactivateexternalplatformaddress |
Deactivates an address in an external platform definition. |
removeexternalplatformaddress |
Remove a SIP or IN address from an external platform definition. |
setaddresssubscriptionprofiletablename |
Sets the name of the SIS address subscriptions profile table. |
installaddresssubscription |
Installs a SIS address subscription. |
updateaddresssubscription |
Updates an existing SIS address subscription. |
uninstalladdresssubscription |
Uninstalls a SIS address subscription. |
createnetworkinterface |
Creates a SIS network interface definition. |
updatenetworkinterface |
Updates a existing SIS network interface definition. |
removenetworkinterface |
Removes a SIS network interface definition. |
enablenetworkinterface |
Enables a network interface in a SIS instance.. |
disablenetworkinterface |
Disables a network interface in a SIS instance.. |
addnetworkroute |
Adds a SIS network route. |
updatenetworkroute |
Updates an existing SIS network route. |
removenetworkroute |
Removes a SIS network route. |
adddefaultnetworkroute |
Adds a default SIS network route. |
updatedefaultnetworkroute |
Updates an existing default SIS network route. |
removedefaultnetworkroute |
Removes a default SIS network route. |
settriggeraddresstracingselectors |
Sets the InitialDP parameters used by the SIS to determine the trigger address tracing debug level for a dialog. |
settriggeraddressdebuglevel |
Sets the fine-grained tracing debug level associated with a trigger address. |
enableexperimentalfeature |
Enables an experimental feature in a SIS instance. |
disableexperimentalfeature |
Disables an experimental feature in a SIS instance. |
reload |
Reloads the SIS configuration. Required for changes to take effect. |
Element | Description |
setconcatenatedFCIinteractionmodedelimiter |
Set the delimiter used by the SIS for compositions utilising the concatenated FCI interaction mode. |
installservicekeysubscription |
Installs a SIS service key subscription. |
updateservicekeysubscription |
Updates an existing SIS service key subscription. |
uninstallservicekeysubscription |
Uninstalls a SIS service key subscription. |
Constructor and Description |
SISManagementTask() |
bindToOwner, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, init, log, log, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
public void execute() throws
in class
public void setHost(String host)
public void setPort(int port)
public void setUsername(String username)
public void setPassword(String password)
public void setRaentity(String ra)
public boolean getFailOnError()
public void setFailOnError(boolean failOnError)
public void setFailIfMissing(boolean failIfMissing)
public void addInstallMacro(InstallMacroTask task)
public void addUninstallMacro(UninstallMacroTask task)
public void addReplaceMacro(ReplaceMacroTask task)
public void addInstallTrigger(InstallTriggerTask task)
public void addUninstallTrigger(UninstallTriggerTask task)
public void addReplaceTrigger(ReplaceTriggerTask task)
public void addActivateTrigger(ActivateTriggerTask task)
public void addDeactivateTrigger(DeactivateTriggerTask task)
public void addInstallComposition(InstallCompositionTask task)
public void addUninstallComposition(UninstallCompositionTask task)
public void addReplaceComposition(ReplaceCompositionTask task)
public void addUpdateComposition(UpdateCompositionTask task)
public void addUpdateINComposition(UpdateINCompositionTask task)
public void addInstallInterceptor(InstallInterceptorTask task)
public void addUninstallInterceptor(UninstallInterceptorTask task)
public void addReplaceInterceptor(ReplaceInterceptorTask task)
public void addCreateInterceptorRef(CreateInterceptorRefTask task)
public void addReplaceInterceptorRef(ReplaceInterceptorRefTask task)
public void addRemoveInterceptorRef(RemoveInterceptorRefTask task)
public void addSetDefaultServiceTimeout(SetDefaultServiceTimeoutTask task)
public void addSetFineGrainedTracing(SetFineGrainedTracingTask task)
public void addSetAuditLevel(SetAuditLevelTask task)
public void addCreateExtensionRef(CreateExtensionRefTask task)
public void addReplaceExtensionRef(ReplaceExtensionRefTask task)
public void addRemoveExtensionRef(RemoveExtensionRefTask task)
public void addUpdateExtensionRef(UpdateExtensionRefTask task)
public void addCreateServiceRef(CreateServiceRefTask task)
public void addReplaceServiceRef(ReplaceServiceRefTask task)
public void addUpdateServiceRef(UpdateServiceRefTask task)
public void addRemoveServiceRef(RemoveServiceRefTask task)
public void addCreateExternalPlatform(CreateExternalPlatformTask task)
public void addUpdateExternalPlatform(UpdateExternalPlatformTask task)
public void addRemoveExternalPlatform(RemoveExternalPlatformTask task)
public void addAddExternalPlatformAddress(AddExternalPlatformAddressTask task)
public void addActivateExternalPlatformAddress(ActivateExternalPlatformAddressTask task)
public void addDeactivateExternalPlatformAddress(DeactivateExternalPlatformAddressTask task)
public void addRemoveExternalPlatformAddress(RemoveExternalPlatformAddressTask task)
public void addSetAddressSubscriptionsProfileTableName(SetAddressSubscriptionsProfileTableNameTask task)
public void addInstallAddressSubscription(InstallAddressSubscriptionTask task)
public void addUninstallAddressSubscription(UninstallAddressSubscriptionTask task)
public void addUpdateAddressSubscription(UpdateAddressSubscriptionTask task)
public void addSetTriggerAddressTracingSelectors(SetTriggerAddressTracingSelectorsTask task)
public void addSetTriggerAddressDebugLevel(SetTriggerAddressDebugLevelTask task)
public void addSetTriggerAddressAuditLogging(SetTriggerAddressAuditLoggingTask task)
public void addCreateNetworkInterface(CreateNetworkInterfaceTask task)
public void addUpdateNetworkInterface(UpdateNetworkInterfaceTask task)
public void addRemoveNetworkInterface(RemoveNetworkInterfaceTask task)
public void addEnableNetworkInterface(EnableNetworkInterfaceTask task)
public void addDisableNetworkInterface(DisableNetworkInterfaceTask task)
public void addAddNetworkRoute(AddNetworkRouteTask task)
public void addUpdateNetworkRoute(UpdateNetworkRouteTask task)
public void addRemoveNetworkRoute(RemoveNetworkRouteTask task)
public void addAddDefaultNetworkRoute(AddDefaultNetworkRouteTask task)
public void addUpdateDefaultNetworkRoute(UpdateDefaultNetworkRouteTask task)
public void addRemoveDefaultNetworkRoute(RemoveDefaultNetworkRouteTask task)
public void addEnableExperimentalFeature(EnableExperimentalFeatureTask task)
public void addDisableExperimentalFeature(DisableExperimentalFeatureTask task)
public void addReload(ReloadTask task)
public void addSetConcatenatedFCIInteractionModeDelimiter(SetConcatenatedFCIInteractionModeDelimiterTask task)
public void addSetServiceKeySubscriptionsProfileTableName(SetServiceKeySubscriptionsProfileTableNameTask task)
public void addInstallServiceKeySubscription(InstallServiceKeySubscriptionTask task)
public void addUninstallServiceKeySubscription(UninstallServiceKeySubscriptionTask task)
public void addUpdateServiceKeySubscription(UpdateServiceKeySubscriptionTask task)
public void addSetSipOriginatingMacro(SetSipOriginatingMacroTask task)