Rhino SIP Servlet uses several profile tables for storing its configuration. Below are the default tables, which the bundled deployment script deploy.xml automatically creates when deploying the RA:

Profile Spec Name Default Table Name Description

SIP Servlet Config Profile


The config-profile configuration property refers to this profile. These attributes in the profile specify the names of the other profile tables used by the RA entity:

  • NetworkInterfaceProfileTableName

  • NetworkRouteProfileTableName

  • ApplicationNameRefProfileTableName

  • DefaultApplicationRouterProfileTableName

SIP Servlet Network Interface Profile


Stores SIP network interface definitions.

SIP Servlet Network Route Profile


Stores routing rules that determine the outgoing network interface for requests.

SIP Servlet Application Name Ref Profile


Stores the mappings of servlet application names to SLEE ServiceIDs.

SIP Servlet Default Application Router Profile


Stores Default Application Router configurations.

Note When creating a SIP Servlet RA entity, these profile tables must exist, but they may be empty. The exception is the configuration profile referred to by the config-profile configuration property: this profile must exist before creating the RA entity. It tells the RA where to find the other tables. The bundled deploy.xml script calls the macro create-rhino-sipservlet-instance, which creates the configuration profile config/<ra-entity>-config by default, using the profile table names above.

Typically it will not be necessary to manipulate these tables directly; the defaults should be suitable in most cases. Rhino SIP Servlet’s management operations will update these profile tables as needed.

Tip Multiple SIP Servlet RA entities can share the same profile tables; it’s not necessary to create new profile tables to support additional RA entities. The implementation ensures that RA entities don’t overwrite each other’s settings.
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