This section describes features of the SIP resource adaptor:

Feature What it does

deploys SIP RA in a clustered Rhino configuration

lets a downstream proxy "fork" a request, meaning it forwards a request to several contacts in parallel

parses the headers in incoming SIP messages

lets a SIP client initiate a persistent SIP connection to a SIP proxy server on the other side of a firewall/NAT

allows dialog activities to be accessed on any node in the cluster, so that SBBs can attach to dialog activity contexts and use the dialogs on any node

lets a SIP client use DNS procedures to resolve a SIP URI into the address, port, and transport protocol of the next server to contact

lets a SIP client initiate a persistent SIP connection to a SIP proxy server on the other side of a firewall/NAT

supports SCTP (RFC 4960) as a SIP transport, in addition to UDP, TCP, and TLS

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