Before you begin the upgrade, ensure you have completed the pre-upgrade checklist.

Upgrade process

Note that the following process is for a minor upgrade. Minor and major upgrades are very similar; the differences for major upgrade are listed inline.

Upgrade a ShCM Node

Start the upgrade using the following command. For major upgrade, replace minor-upgrade with major-upgrade.

./orca --hosts host1 minor-upgrade --stop-timeout <timeout> --pause {extra-parameter-minor-upgrade} packages <>


  • <timeout> is the maximum amount of time you wish to allow for all calls to stop on each node

  • <> is the path to the file

  • packages is a literal name, and should not be changed.

If your upgrade includes a new Rhino version and you have been given a separate license file, specify this here by appending the parameter --license <path to license file>.

This will take approximately 1-2 hours. At the end of the upgrade process, you will be prompted to continue the operation when ready:

If the upgrade failed, refer to orca troubleshooting to resolve the problem. You will normally need to rollback to the original cluster in order to try again.

Merge and import feature scripts

If the output from orca prompted you to merge feature scripts, follow the instructions in Feature Scripts conflicts and resolution to merge and import the feature scripts into the uplevel installation. Note that when running orca’s `import-feature-scripts command, you need only specify the first host.

Perform node validation tests

If your test plan includes validating the first node after upgrade, run these tests now.

Perform post-upgrade validation tests

Perform your post-upgrade test plan at this stage.

The upgrade is now complete.

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