3GPP standards material

This product contains portions of 3GPP material. It is redistributed with permission under the following terms.

© 2012 - 3GPP™ deliverables and material are the property of ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI,
TSDSI, TTA and TTC who jointly own the copyright in them. They may be subject to
further modifications and are therefore provided to you "as is" for information purposes
only. Further use is strictly prohibited.
© 2013 - 3GPP™ deliverables and material are the property of ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI,
TSDSI, TTA and TTC who jointly own the copyright in them. They may be subject to
further modifications and are therefore provided to you "as is" for information purposes
only. Further use is strictly prohibited.
© 2021 - 3GPP™ deliverables and material are the property of ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI,
TSDSI, TTA and TTC who jointly own the copyright in them. They may be subject to
further modifications and are therefore provided to you "as is" for information purposes
only. Further use is strictly prohibited.
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