The Sentinel VoLTE product is able to use both the HSS and optionally the HLR.

HSS access

All components that need access to any data from the HSS, including both transparent data and non-transparent data, access it through the Sh Cache Microservice component.

This includes:

  • Sentinel Registrar

  • Sentinel SIP Invite Session Processing (i.e. SCC and MMTEL)

  • the XCAP Server

  • the Transparent Data editing capability within Rhino Element Manager.

sh cache within volte

For more information on the Sh Cache Microservice see Sh Cache Microservice architecture.

HLR access

All components that need access to data from the HLR, access it through the CGIN MAP component.

This includes:

  • Sentinel Registrar

  • Sentinel SIP Invite Session Processing (i.e. SCC and MMTEL)

cgin map within volte

Supplementary Service Data

For information about the components that use the HSS and/or HLR for accessing supplementary Service Data refer to Supplementary Service Data Access

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