This feature implements the initial registration procedures for ESRVCC.
ESRVCC registration process
ATCF is involved in registration
The Feature-Caps header of the first-party REGISTER request includes a number of ATCF-related parameters:
The ESRVCC registration feature:
queries the HSS to obtain the STN-SR and the C-MSISDN (correlation MSISDN)
compares the STN-SR returned by the HSS with the STN-SR that was in the first-party REGISTER request
If they are different, the HSS is updated with the STN-SR from the first-party REGISTER request
updates the ATCF, passing it the SCC AS’s own ATU-STI and the C-MSISDN, by sending the ATCF a SIP MESSAGE message.
The address of the ATCF is taken from the
parameter in the Feature-Caps header of the first-party REGISTER request. -
The body of the SIP MESSAGE has a content type application/vnd.3gpp.SRVCC-info+xml and contains an XML document such as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SRVCC-infos> <SRVCC-info ATCF-Path-URI="<sip:termsdgfdfwe@localhost:5560>"> <ATU-STI></ATU-STI> <C-MSISDN>tel:+16505550425</C-MSISDN> </SRVCC-info> </SRVCC-infos>
If any of these steps fail (for example, the ATCF update times out, or the HSS returns a failed Answer) the ESRVCC registration feature responds to the registrar core with rejectRegisterRequest() .
Related features
ESRVCCReregistration handles the re-registration procedures for ESRVCC.
Session state
Before …
SentinelSelectionKey |
A selection key with the platform operator, network operator and session type set to ESRVCCRegistration
(such as |
EncapsulatedRegisterRequest |
The first-party REGISTER request that was in the body of the third-party REGISTER request received by the registrar. The ESRVCC feature processes the Feature-Caps header from the REGISTER request. |
This feature uses mappers that conform to:
Mapping | Mapper Execution Point |
SentinelRegistrarSessionState.class → OutgoingSipRequest.class |
RegistrarMappingPoint.UpdateATCF |
ESRVCCRegistration statistics are tracked by the sentinel.registrar SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.registrar service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → CacheESRVCCRegistration
or with rhino-stats:
Parameter | … incremented if … |
Started |
The feature runs |
FailedToStart |
A fatal error occurs before feature execution |
IssuedWarning |
A non-fatal error occurs during feature execution |
FailedDuringExecution |
A fatal error occurs during feature execution |
TimedOut |
Feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame |
MapperErrorSendingPUR |
The mapper that creates a ProfileUpdateRequest fails |
NetworkErrorSendingPUR |
There is a network error sending a ProfileUpdateRequest to the HSS |
HssSentErrorPUA |
The HSS responded to a ProfileUpdateRequest with an error response |
MapperErrorUpdatingATCF |
The mapper that creates a SIP MESSAGE message, to pass to the ATCF, fails |
NetworkErrorUpdatingATCF |
There is a network error sending a SIP MESSAGE message to the ATCF |
ATCFRespondsWithSipError |
The ATCF responds to a SIP MESSAGE message with an error response |
ATCFResponseTimesOut |
There is no response to the SIP MESSAGE message sent to the ATCF |
RegisterMissingFeatureCAPSHeader |
The REGISTER message is missing a Feature-Caps header |
RegisterFeatureCAPSHeaderMissingAtcfMgmt |
The Feature-Caps header does not contain a |
Error scenarios
The ESRVCC feature increments statistics and responds to the registrar core with rejectReqisterRequest()
the REGISTER request is missing essential headers or header parameters
there is a problem sending a UserDataRequest to the HSS, such as a mapper error creating the message, or a network error sending the message
there is a problem sending a ProfileUpdateRequest to the HSS, such as a mapper error creating the message, or a network error sending the message
there is a problem sending a SIP MESSAGE message to the ATCF, such as a mapper error creating the message, or a network error sending the message.
This feature has a configuration profile which determines the user identities used when querying the HSS.
The default profile table is named CacheESRVCCRegistrationConfigProfileTable
and profiles are named with a Sentinel
Selection Key e.g. opencloud::::
. The feature has a Sentinel Feature Configuration page in REM.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
UserIdentityTypeStringForStnSrRequest |
An enum with value |
Determines whether the user’s IMS Public ID or C-MSISDN will be used for their identity when requesting the STN-SR from the HSS. |
IncludePrivateIdInStnSrRequest |
boolean |
Determines whether the user’s IMS Private ID will be included in the request for the STN-SR. |
There are also fields relevant to this feature in the RegistrarConfigurationTable table:
AtcfUpdateTimeout |
The time (ms) the ESRVCC registration feature should wait for a response from the ATCF. |