The following diagram explains how a feature (the Map Proxy) uses the TCAP leg manager. The sequence of steps shown are related to the receipt of a new Open Request for a new Dialog that is received by the IPSMGW.

Figure 1. Map Proxy TCAP Leg Manager Scenario


The IPSMGW is triggered by a Open Request on a dialog with a supported TCAP Application Context


The TCAP leg manager is registered to process Open Requests. It takes two actions:

  1. Creates a new TCAP Leg that represents the new dialog ("incoming").

  2. Decides what feature script execution points should be run by the IPSMGW


The IPSMGW starts running feature script execution points. One of the scripts runs the MAP Proxy feature


The MAP Proxy:

  1. uses the TCAP leg manager to find the TCAP Leg related to the triggering Open Request ("incoming")

  2. creates a new TCAP Leg called "proxied"

  3. links the two TCAP Legs together. The MAP Proxy follows the link to find the "incoming" leg on a trigger related to the "proxied" leg and to find the "proxied" leg on a trigger related to the "incoming" leg

  4. creates a new Open Request message and issues it on the new "proxied" leg. The new Open Request is not send immediately; a feature instruction of sendTcapMessage is registered in the TCAP Leg Manager and the new Open Request is pending on the "proxied" leg


Once all feature script execution points have finished, the TCAP Leg Manager processes any outstanding instructions. At this point a new Dialog is created, and the Open Request is sent to the external network element.

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