This page describes limitations, known issues and workarounds to be aware of that relate to the Sentinel Authentication Gateway upgrade process.

General limitations

  • Each machine in the Rhino cluster must contain only one Rhino node and the Rhino installation must conform to orca's standardized path structure.

  • orca cannot auto-detect the cluster membership, so to upgrade the whole cluster it must always be given the full list of hosts in the cluster.

  • All products monitored by a single Rhino Element Manager (REM) instance must be upgraded together, and in a fixed order. See here for more information.

  • While orca is waiting to shut down a node, the node will continue to accept new traffic that is directed at it. As such, or if pre-existing traffic continues, if the node never becomes completely free of traffic whilst draining before the given shutdown-timeout is reached, then the node will be killed resulting in any active calls being terminated. Thus the upgrade should be done during a maintenance window, when overall traffic is low, and fewest users will be inconvenienced by such terminated calls.

  • Tracer levels (and for Rhino 2.6.0 or later, notification sources and loggers) are not maintained across an upgrade. If you previously set some custom levels which you wish to retain, then you will need to manually reconfigured them after the upgrade is complete. This can be done either using rhino-console commands, or via the Monitoring menu in REM.

  • After upgrade, SNMP OIDs for some objects and their alarms/statistics may be different. You will need to reconfigure monitoring systems with the new OIDs. (This is a temporary limitation, that will be addressed in a forthcoming release).

  • Symmetric activation state mode must be enabled prior to an upgrade. If your cluster normally operates with symmetric activation mode disabled, you will need to enable it before the upgrade, and after the upgrade disable it again and possibly adjust service and RA entity activation states to the desired settings. Refer to the Rhino documentation here for more information.

  • orca only supports ASCII characters in pathnames (notably the Rhino installation path on each node).

Limitations when upgrade includes an installation of a new Rhino version

  • Rhino configuration in node-XXX/config/pernode-mlet.conf and node-XXX/config/permachine-mlet.conf is not preserved. Refer to the Rhino Administration guide for information on how to reconfigure this if required.

Limitations when upgrade includes an installation of a new Java version

  • The new Java installation will only be used for the Rhino cluster being upgraded. If there are other applications on the machine that also use Java, these will need to be manually reconfigured. See here for more information.

  • When upgrading from Java 7 to Java 8, deprecated perm-gen settings will not be removed from Rhino configuration. This may result in benign warnings appearing. You can manually remove the deprecated configuration at a later stage.

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