
The Sentinel Installer is the quickest and easiest way to deploy Sentinel Express on a Rhino installation. It has two main modes of operation: interactive mode and non-interactive mode. The interactive mode, which is the default mode, allows interactive configuration of the environment and the desired deployment, and non-interactive mode allows unattended installation based on a set of properties read from a file.

Command-line help

The installer can be run with the --help or -h argument to print a list of all the supported arguments:

$ build/bin/installer --help

 --configure-only                  : Only run the configure step of the
                                     installation, after asking the deployment
                                     module configuration questions. (default:
 --no-configure                    : Only run deploy and bind steps of the
                                     installation, not configure. Also skips
                                     the questions related to deployment module
                                     configuration. (default: false)
 -D (--deploy-module-deps) MODULES : A comma-separated list of modules to use
                                     as dependencies for the locally-created
                                     deployment module, either as simple module
                                     names or full Ivy strings
 -P (--print-properties)           : Print a list of all the supported
                                     properties. This will recreate the local
                                     deployment module. (default: false)
 -d (--debug)                      : Enable debug logging (default: false)
 -h (--help)                       : Print usage information (default: true)
 -l (--logfile) FILE               : Alternate logfile to use (default:
 -p (--properties) PROPERTYFILE    : Run installer in non-interactive mode,
                                     using a property file created with a
                                     previous interactive run

Installing Sentinel Express with the Sentinel Installer

Interactive mode

This is the default mode of the installer, which is used if the installer is invoked without any arguments from the root directory of the SDK:

$ build/bin/installer

This mode will ask a variety of questions about the desired setup and configuration of the deployment module:

  • Whether to create an offline repository. This will download all artifacts necessary for a complete installation, and allows to move the Sentinel Express SDK to a machine without internet access at any point of the installation after the creation of the repository. For more information about offline repositories please refer to Running the SDK offline.

  • Basic SDK configuration. This allows configuring things like the Platform Operator name, the product version, and the details of the Rhino installation to use for deployment.

  • Configuration of the deployment module. This is the most substantial part of the installation. Several parameters necessary for a functioning deployment will be configured here. This includes things like addresses of other network functions, charging configuration, and other behavioural tweaks.

All of the answers to these questions will automatically get saved in a properties file named This file can be used in non-interactive mode to perform an unattended installation.

At the end of the configuration the installer will ask whether to proceed with the actual installation or exit. This makes it possible to prepare the installation on a workstation, copy the file to an SDK on a production machine, and perform the actual installation there.

Tip If there is an file present in the SDK when interactive mode is run, then the questions will default to the values from the properties file.

Non-interactive mode

Non-interactive mode allows an installation to be run unattended, making multiple similar deployments easier. In this mode the installer reads a properties file, either created automatically by the interactive mode or written by hand, to answer the questions that would normally be asked in interactive mode.

Non-interactive mode is invoked by passing the --properties/-p argument to the installer, together with the filename of the properties file to use:

$ build/bin/installer --properties

The installation will then begin immediately based on the values in the properties file.

Running deploy/bind and configure steps separately

Sometimes it may be desired to finish the deployment and binding of an installation, but not the configuration part. There are two installer arguments available to support this, --no-configure and --configure-only. These arguments can be passed to the installer during one of the two installation modes described above. Both arguments are supported for both installation modes and any combination thereof.

If the --no-configure argument is passed to the installer, the questions about the deployment module configuration will be skipped. If the --configure-only argument is passed to the installer then only the deployment module configuration questions will be asked.

Specifying deployment module dependencies manually

During normal operation the installer will either determine the upstream deployment module to use automatically, or ask any necessary questions to determine the correct deployment module. However, in some cases it may be desired to specify the deployment module dependencies manually. This is possible with the --deploy-module-deps/-D argument:

$ build/bin/installer --deploy-module-deps my-full-deploy,my-additional-deploy

The dependencies can be specified either as simple module names, or as full Ivy strings like myorg#branch#mymodule;latest.integration:

$ build/bin/installer --deploy-module-deps opencloud#sentinel-pack/3.0.0#sentinel-sip-full-deploy;

Specifying a module as a simple name only works for official OpenCloud modules that have an entry in the file in the root of the SDK.

Printing out supported properties

In order to make creating files easier, it is possible to print out all supported properties with the installer, along with their default values. This is accomplished with the --print-properties/-P argument:

$ build/bin/installer --print-properties

Creating deployment module deploy-sentinel ... done.

# Available properties:

The output of this command can be redirected into a file to create a valid properties file for use in non-interactive mode.

$ build/bin/installer --print-properties >

This argument can be combined with --deploy-module-deps to skip potential questions about the exact upstream deployment module to use.

Logfile location

The installer logs all of its interactions and the output of all the commands it runs to a logfile. The default location for this logfile is build/target/log/installer.log. An alternative location can be specified with the --logfile/-l argument:

$ build/bin/installer --logfile /tmp/installer.log

This argument can be combined with any other argument.

Enabling debug output

The installer can be run in a debug mode, in which case it will write additional debug information to its logfile. Debug mode can be enabled with the --debug/-d argument:

$ build/bin/installer --debug

This argument can be combined with any other argument.

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