Below are prerequisites and instructions for installing R-IM-SSF, with details for entering licenses and activation, and details for the SIS and the CDR resource adaptor entity.

Before you install …​

Before installing the R-IM-SSF, make sure you have:

  • CDR RA — The R-IM-SSF uses the OpenCloud CDR RA to write a Call Detail Record per trigger. You must [download|DWNLD:CDR Resource Adaptor Download Page] and install the CDR pack, if you do not already have it, before you install the R-IM-SSF module. To install, uncompress the install archive in your <rhino-home>.

Note The R-IM-SSF requires CDR RA v 2.2.0.
  • SIS — The R-IM-SSF requires both a SIS for SIP instance and a SIS for IN instance. Before it can be installed, you need to create a SIS instance that supports these protocols.The R-IM-SSF install only needs the name of the SIS instances it should bind to.

Installing …​

To install R-IM-SSF:


Unzip the module archive from <sis-home> (after you have installed your SIS!)

$ cd sis/
$ unzip
OpenCloud SIS Module R-IM-SSF
 creating: admin/
 creating: admin/lib/
 creating: admin/lib/extensions/
inflating: admin/lib/extensions/rimssf-client-
inflating: admin/remove-rimssf-1.4.0.script
 creating: modules/
 creating: modules/rimssf/
 creating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/
 creating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/
 creating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/etc/
 creating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/lib/
 creating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/units/
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/CHANGELOG
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/etc/
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/install-module.bat
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/lib/rimssf-installer_1.4.0.jar
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/units/nist-sdp-library-
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/units/rimssf-mng-ra-
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/units/rimssf-profile-
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/units/rimssf-translator-service-
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/units/state-machine-runtime-
inflating: modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install/


Change into the module install directory (modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install)

$ cd modules/rimssf/1.4.0/install



$ ./
R-IM-SSF (version=1.4, release=00, build=20130129100554, revision=62832)

R-IM-SSF settings

RIM-SSF license file to install
The R-IM-SSF 'right-to-use' license file.  A license may already be
installed, or you can install a license at a later point in time.  If no
license is present during install, however, the IM-SSF will need to be
activated via the console

RIM-SSF license file to install []:
Tip In general, you can accept the default answers during installation (press RETURN). See also details for entering licenses and activation, and information for the SIS instances and CDR resource adaptor entity.

Licenses and activation

The very first question during the R-IM-SSF installation asks you for a license file. If you have one, enter the path to it. If you don’t have a license file, or if you already have a valid license installed (perhaps as a part of your SIS license), then provide an empty response.

The installer will try to activate the R-IM-SSF at the end of the install process if it can. If it cannot, then it will print a message giving you some guidance.

Tip You can always install a license after the install process, and manually activate R-IM-SSF using the sis-console, with the rimssfactivate command.

SIS instances

The R-IM-SSF needs to bind to both an IN and SIP instance. Below is an example of R-IM-SSF installer questions (and responses) about SIS instances. In the example, the SIS deployment being installed has been configured to support SIP (instance name is sis-sip) and IN (instance name is sis-in).

SIS-SIP instance name
The SIS-SIP instance the R-IM-SSF should use to connect to SIP AS's.  This
SIS instance must already be present in the SLEE.

SIS-SIP instance name: sis-sip

SIS-IN instance name
The SIS-IN instance the R-IM-SSF should use to connect to the IN.  This SIS
instance must already be present in the SLEE.

SIS-IN instance name: sis-in
Finding SIS instances

If you cannot recall the names of the resource adaptor entities in your SIS install, use the listraentities command from the sis-console. In this install there are two entities: sis-in and sis-sip.

$ cd sis/
$ ./sis-console
Interactive Rhino Management Shell
Rhino management console, enter 'help' for a list of commands
[Rhino@localhost (#0)] listraentities

CDR resource adaptor entity

The R-IM-SSF will create its own CDR resource adaptor entity from the CDR RA that comes with the Rhino install the SIS is installed with. By default, this resource adaptor entity is configured using properties appropriate for functional testing (it writes one CDR file per session).

R-IM-SSF CDR Resource Adaptor properties
Properties for the R-IM-SSF CDRs.  The default properties are suitable for
functional testing.  Please refer to the OpenCloud CDR Resource Adaptor
documentation for configuration options.

R-IM-SSF CDR Resource Adaptor properties [MaxLines=1,Directory=cdr,FilenamePattern=rimssf-cdr_%n_%t.log]:
Tip Please refer to the CDR RA documentation for configuration options you wish to use in a production setting.
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