A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W 


ActivityContextInterfaceFactoryBinding - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to an activity context interface factory.
ActivityContextInterfaceFactoryBinding(String, ResourceAdaptorTypeID, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ActivityContextInterfaceFactoryBinding
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object for a binding to an activity context interface factory.
add(E) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
add(int, E) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
add(E) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
asSbbPartActivityContextInterface(ActivityContextInterface) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Narrow a generic Activity Context Interface object to an object that implements the SBB part's Activity Context Interface.


BindingType - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
The type of a JNDI binding.


ChildRelationFacility - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations
The Child Relation Facility is used by SBBs to gain access to child SBB relations specified declaratively in the SBB deployment descriptor.
children() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get all child usage parameter sets of this usage parameter set.
clear() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
clear() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
clear() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
CMPFields - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
This interface provides an alternative access mechanism for all SBB CMP fields.
com.opencloud.rhino.cmp - package com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs - package com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
com.opencloud.rhino.facilities - package com.opencloud.rhino.facilities
com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations - package com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations
com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile - package com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile
com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage - package com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
com.opencloud.rhino.slee - package com.opencloud.rhino.slee
com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment - package com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle - package com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart - package com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart
com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity - package com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity
com.opencloud.rhino.util - package com.opencloud.rhino.util
com.opencloud.util - package com.opencloud.util
CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Constant declaring the resource adaptor config property name where a UsageFacility object can be obtained by a resource adaptor.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
ConvergenceName - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee
The ConvergenceName interface provides an SBB and SBB part with access to the convergence name that the root SBB of an SBB entity tree was created for.
CounterType - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
Type of usage counters.
createList() - Method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList.BackingStore
createMap() - Method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap.BackingStore
createSet() - Method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet.BackingStore


DatatypeCodec<T> - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Interface defining a datatype codec.
DatatypeCodecType - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Annotation that can be used on a datatype class stored in CMP to indicate to Rhino a codec that should be used to serialise and deserialise objects of that type.
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.DatatypeCodec
Decode a value from the given data input stream.
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigDecimalCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigIntegerCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BooleanCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteArrayCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.CharacterCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.DoubleCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.FloatCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.IntegerCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.LongCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ShortCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.StringCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.ActivityContextInterfaceCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.EventContextCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.ProfileLocalObjectCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.SbbLocalObjectCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.TimerIDCodec
decodeActivityContextInterface(DataInput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeDecoder
Decode an ActivityContextInterface reference.
decodeEventContext(DataInput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeDecoder
Decode an EventContext reference.
decodeProfileLocalObject(DataInput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeDecoder
Decode a ProfileLocalObject reference.
DecoderUtils - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Utility datatype codec decoding functions.
decodeSbbLocalObject(DataInput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeDecoder
Decode an SbbLocalObject reference.
decodeTimerID(DataInput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeDecoder
Decode a TimerID.


Encodable - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
This interface provides an alternative to the DatatypeCodec interface where the codec behaviour can be inlined directly into the datatype code.
EncodableList<E> - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.util
Generic implementation of a list structure that can be stored in SLEE CMP fields with sensible serialisation semantics.
EncodableList() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Create an EncodableList using EncodableList.BackingStore.ARRAY as the default backing store.
EncodableList(EncodableList.BackingStore) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Create an EncodableList using the specified backing store.
EncodableList(EncodableList.BackingStore, List<E>) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Create an EncodableList using the specified backing store and list.
EncodableList(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Creates an EncodableList with state restored from the specified input stream.
EncodableList.BackingStore - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.util
Pre-defined backing stores for the EncodableList.
EncodableMap<K,V> - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.util
Generic implementation of a map structure that can be stored in SLEE CMP fields with sensible serialisation semantics.
EncodableMap() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Create an EncodableMap using EncodableMap.BackingStore.HASH as the default backing store.
EncodableMap(EncodableMap.BackingStore) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Create an EncodableMap using the specified backing store.
EncodableMap(EncodableMap.BackingStore, Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Create an EncodableSet using the specified backing store and map.
EncodableMap(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Creates an EncodableMap with state restored from the specified input stream.
EncodableMap.BackingStore - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.util
Pre-defined backing stores for the EncodableMap.
EncodableSet<E> - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.util
Generic implementation of a set structure that can be stored in SLEE CMP fields with sensible serialisation semantics.
EncodableSet() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Create an EncodableSet using EncodableSet.BackingStore.HASH as the default backing store.
EncodableSet(EncodableSet.BackingStore) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Create an EncodableSet using the specified backing store.
EncodableSet(EncodableSet.BackingStore, Set<E>) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Create an EncodableSet using the specified backing store and set.
EncodableSet(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Creates an EncodableSet with state restored from the specified input stream.
EncodableSet.BackingStore - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.util
Pre-defined backing stores for the EncodableSet.
encode(T, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.DatatypeCodec
Encode the specified value to the given data output stream.
encode(BigDecimal, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigDecimalCodec
encode(BigInteger, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigIntegerCodec
encode(Boolean, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BooleanCodec
encode(byte[], DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteArrayCodec
encode(Byte, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteCodec
encode(Character, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.CharacterCodec
encode(Double, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.DoubleCodec
encode(Float, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.FloatCodec
encode(Integer, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.IntegerCodec
encode(Long, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.LongCodec
encode(Short, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ShortCodec
encode(String, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.StringCodec
encode(T, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.ActivityContextInterfaceCodec
encode(EventContext, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.EventContextCodec
encode(T, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.ProfileLocalObjectCodec
encode(T, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.SbbLocalObjectCodec
encode(TimerID, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.TimerIDCodec
encode(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.Encodable
Encode the state of this object to the given data output stream.
encode(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
encode(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
encode(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
encodeActivityContextInterface(ActivityContextInterface, DataOutput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeEncoder
Encode an ActivityContextInterface reference.
encodeEventContext(EventContext, DataOutput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeEncoder
Encode an EventContext reference.
encodeProfileLocalObject(ProfileLocalObject, DataOutput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeEncoder
Encode a ProfileLocalObject reference.
EncoderUtils - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Utility datatype codec encoding functions.
encodeSbbLocalObject(SbbLocalObject, DataOutput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeEncoder
Encode an SbbLocalObject reference.
encodeTimerID(TimerID, DataOutput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeEncoder
Encode a TimerID.
entrySet() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Get the names and values of CMP fields that currently have a value.
entrySet() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
EnvEntry - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to an environment entry.
EnvEntry(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.EnvEntry
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object for an environment entry.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.JndiBinding
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeActivity
Determine if this Service Node Activity is equal to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
equals(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet


Facility - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to a SLEE facility.
Facility(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.Facility
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object for a binding to a SLEE facility.
fastDeserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
fastDeserialize(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
fastDeserialize(byte[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
fastDeserialize(byte[], int, int, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
FastSerializable - Interface in com.opencloud.util
FastSerializable provides an alternative to the Serializable interface where the exact type of the object to be serialized is known at compile time.
FastSerialize - Class in com.opencloud.util
Utility functions based around the FastSerializable contract.
fastSerialize(Object) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Serialise an object to a byte array using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
FastSerialize.SerialisableType - Enum in com.opencloud.util
fromStream(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Populate list elements with state restored from the specified input stream.
fromStream(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Populate map entries with state restored from the specified input stream.
fromStream(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Populate set elements with state restored from the specified input stream.
fromStream(DataInput) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a stream using the FastSerializable where possible.
fromStream(DataInput, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a stream using the FastSerializable where possible.


get(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Get the value of the CMP field with the specified name.
get(int) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
get(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
getActivities() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
getActivities(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Get the set of Activity Contexts that the SBB entity currently associated with the instance is currently attached to, where the type of the underlying activity object is assignable to the specified type.
getActivities() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Get the set of Activity Contexts that the SBB entity currently associated with the SBB part is currently attached to.
getActivities(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Get the set of Activity Contexts that the SBB entity currently associated with the SBB part is currently attached to, where the type of the underlying activity object is assignable to the specified type.
getActivity() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeActivityFactory
Get the Service Node Activity object for the invoking SBB.
getActivityContextInterface(ServiceNodeActivity) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeActivityContextInterfaceFactory
Get an `ActivityContextInterface` object for a Service Node Activity.
getAddress() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Get the Address that was used during the construction of the convergence name.
getChildRelation(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations.ChildRelationFacility
Get a Child Relation object for the child relation declared with the specified name.
getChildRelationFacility() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Get the Child Relation Facility for this SBB.
getChildRelationNames() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations.ChildRelationFacility
Get the names of all child relations recognised by this facility.
getChildren(UsageParametersInterface) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Get all child usage parameter sets of the specified usage parameter set.
getChildSbbLocalHome(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations.ChildRelationFacility
Get an SBB local home object for the SBB declared with the specified child relation name.
getChildSbbs() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations.ChildRelationFacility
Get a collection containing all child SBBs created by the SBB.
getChildSbbs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations.ChildRelationFacility
Get a collection containing the child SBBs created by the SBB where the child SBB's local interface is assignable to the specified interface.
getChildTracer(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.Tracer
Get a child tracer of this tracer with the specified name.
getCMPFields() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Get the CMP fields accessor object for this SBB.
getCMPFields() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Get the CMP fields accessor object for this SBB part.
getConvergenceName() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Get a string representation of the computed convergence name.
getConvergenceName() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Get the convergence name that this SBB was created for.
getConvergenceName() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Get the convergence name that the SBB entity the SBB part is associated with was created for.
getCustomName() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Get the custom name that was used during the construction of the convergence name.
getDescription() - Method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.SampleUnits
Get the descriptive name for the units value.
getEncodableContext() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.DecoderUtils
Get the encodable context object.
getEncodableContext() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.EncoderUtils
Get the encodable context object.
getJndiBindings() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Get a map describing the JNDI bindings available to the SBB.
getJndiBindings() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Get a map describing the JNDI bindings available to the SBB part.
getJndiName() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.JndiBinding
Get the JNDI name of the binding.
getOrCreateChild(UsageParametersInterface, String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Create a new child usage parameter set of the given parent usage parameter set.
getOrCreateChild(UsageParametersInterface, String, String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Create a new child usage parameter set of the given parent usage parameter set.
getOrCreateChild(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get the child usage parameter set with the given name.
getOrCreateChild(String, String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get the child usage parameter set with the given name.
getParentTracer() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.Tracer
Get this tracer's parent tracer.
getProfileLocalInterface() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile.ProfileTableDescriptor
Get the profile local interface of profile objects returned from the profile table.
getProfileSpecification() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile.ProfileTableDescriptor
Get the component identifier of the profile specification that the profile table was created from.
getProfileTableDescriptor(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile.ProfileFacility
Get the profile table descriptor for the profile table with the specified name.
getProfileTableInterface() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile.ProfileTableDescriptor
Get the profile table interface of the profile table.
getResourceAdaptorType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ResourceAdaptorTypeBinding
Get the resource adaptor type of the binding.
getRootUsageParameterSet() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Get the root usage parameter set.
getSbbPart() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
Get the SBB part component identifier that identifies the SBB part component of the SBB part object.
getService() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeActivity
Get the service component identifier that identifies the service component that this Service Node Activity was created for.
getService() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeStartedEvent
Get the service component identifier that identifies the service component that has started.
getServiceContext() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Get the service context object.
getSleeDatatypeDecoder() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.DecoderUtils
Get the SLEE Datatype Decoder, a decoder of SLEE-specific datatypes that are not natively serialisable.
getSleeDatatypeEncoder() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.EncoderUtils
Get the SLEE Datatype Encoder, an encoder of SLEE-specific datatypes that are not natively serialisable.
getTracer(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
getTracer(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart.SbbPartContext
getType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ActivityContextInterfaceFactoryBinding
getType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.EnvEntry
getType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.Facility
getType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.JndiBinding
Get the type of the binding.
getType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.LimiterEndpoint
getType() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ResourceAdaptorEntityBinding
getType(Class) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
getUsageParameterSet(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Get a usage parameter set by its identifying key.
getValue() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.JndiBinding
Get the value bound to the JNDI name.


has(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Determine if the extension CMP field with the specified name currently has a value.
hasChild(UsageParametersInterface, String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Determine if a child usage parameter set with the given name currently exists.
hasChild(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Determine if a child usage parameter set with the given name currently exists.
hashCode() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.JndiBinding
hashCode() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ResourceAdaptorTypeBinding
hashCode() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
hashCode() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet


Immutable - Interface in com.opencloud.util
Marker interface that claims that instances of the implementing class are immutable after construction.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
InitialValueField - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
Annotation that names a class field that contains the initial value for a CMP field.
InvalidConfigurationException - Exception in com.opencloud.rhino.slee
This exception can be thrown by an implementation of the RhinoSbbLocalHome.verifyConfiguration() method if the SBB determines that a configuration error should prevent the service from being activated at this time.
InvalidConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.slee.InvalidConfigurationException
Create an InvalidConfigurationException with a detail message.
InvalidConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.slee.InvalidConfigurationException
Create an InvalidConfigurationException with a detail message and cause.
isActivityContextSelected() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Determine if the Activity Context was selected for use in the convergence name.
isAddressProfileSelected() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Determine if the Address Profile was selected for use in the convergence name.
isAddressSelected() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Determine if the Address was selected for use in the convergence name.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
isEventSelected() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Determine if the event was selected for use in the convergence name.
isEventTypeSelected() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.ConvergenceName
Determine if the event type was selected for use in the convergence name.
isPredefined(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Determine if the CMP field with the specified name is defined in the SBB abstract class or any CMP extension interface.
isSuspended() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoActivityContextInterface
Determine if event delivery has been suspended on this Activity Context.
isWiderScope(PassByReference.Scope) - Method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.PassByReference.Scope
Determine if this scope is wider than the specified scope.
iterator() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
iterator() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet


JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Constant declaring the JNDI name where a UsageFacility object is bound into an SBB object's JNDI environment.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeActivityContextInterfaceFactory
Constant declaring the JNDI name where a `ServiceActivityContextInterfaceFactory` object is bound into an SBB's JNDI environment.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity.ServiceNodeActivityFactory
Constant declaring the JNDI name where a `ServiceNodeActivityFactory` object is bound into an SBB's JNDI environment.
JndiBinding - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Base class for JNDI binding metadata.
JndiBinding(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.JndiBinding
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object.


key() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get the key that identifies this usage parameter set.
keySet() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Get the names of all CMP fields that currently have a value.
keySet() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap


lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
LimiterEndpoint - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to a Rhino limiter endpoint.
LimiterEndpoint(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.LimiterEndpoint
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object for a binding to a limiter endpoint.
ListCodecType - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Annotation that can be used on a list-type CMP field getter or setter method to indicate to Rhino a codec that should be used to serialise and serialise list elements.
listIterator() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList


manageNullElements() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Determine if this EncodableList type should manage null elements within the serialisation logic.
manageNullElements() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Determine if this EncodableSet type should manage null elements within the serialisation logic.
manageNullKeys() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Determine if this EncodableMap type should manage null keys within the serialisation logic.
manageNullValues() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Determine if this EncodableMap type should manage null values within the serialisation logic.
MapCodecType - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Annotation that can be used on a map-type CMP field getter or setter method to indicate to Rhino codecs that should be used to serialise and serialise map keys and values.


name() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get the name of this parameter set.
newInstance(EncodableList.BackingStore, List<E>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Create a new instance of this EncodableList wrapping the specified list.
newListInstance(EncodableList.BackingStore) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Create a new list instance for the backing store.
newMapInstance(EncodableMap.BackingStore) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Create a new map instance for the backing store.
newSetInstance(EncodableSet.BackingStore) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Create a new set instance for the backing store.


OnActivate - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the SLEE reassigns the object to an existing persistent entity.
OnException - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when a mandatory transactional method of the object throws an unchecked exception.
OnPassivate - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the SLEE needs to reclaim the object by disassociating it from an existing persistent entity.


parent() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get the parent usage parameter set of this usage parameter set.
PassByReference - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
Annotation that indicates to Rhino that it can maintain the value of the CMP field by reference rather than value during the specified scope.
PassByReference.Scope - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
Pass-by-reference scopes.
PostCreate - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the object is associated with a newly created persistent entity.
PostLoad - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the state of the persistent entity needs to be synchronised with the state in the underlying data source.
predefinedNames() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Get the names of all CMP fields defined in the SBB abstract class and CMP extension interfaces.
PreDispose - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the SLEE no longer needs the object.
PreRemove - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the persistent entity associated with the object is about to be removed.
PreStore - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.lifecycle
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when state the underlying data source needs to be synchronised with the state of the persistent entity.
ProfileFacility - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile
Rhino extensions to the SLEE-defined Profile Facility.
ProfileTableDescriptor - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile
Profile table metadata descriptor.
profileTableExists(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.profile.ProfileFacility
Determine if a profile table with the specified name currently exists in the SLEE.
PropagateUncheckedThrowables - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.slee
Annotation that can be used on SBB and profile local interface methods to indicate that any unchecked throwables (runtime exceptions and errors) thrown by the method should be propagated back to the caller as-is without marking the transaction for rollback.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap


readElement(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Deserialise a list element from the input stream.
readElement(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Deserialise a set element from the input stream.
readKey(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Deserialise a map key from the input stream.
readString(DataInput) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Read a string value from the specified data input stream.
readValue(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Deserialise a map value from the input stream.
remove() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Remove this usage parameter set.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
remove(int) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
removeUsageParameterSet(UsageParametersInterface) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageFacility
Remove the specified usage parameter set.
reset(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Reset the specified CMP field to its initial value.
reset() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Resets all CMP fields to their initial value.
ResourceAdaptorEntityBinding - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to a resource adaptor entity.
ResourceAdaptorEntityBinding(String, ResourceAdaptorTypeID, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ResourceAdaptorEntityBinding
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object for a binding to a resource adaptor entity.
ResourceAdaptorTypeBinding - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment
Base class for JNDI binding metadata related to resource adaptor types.
ResourceAdaptorTypeBinding(String, ResourceAdaptorTypeID, Object) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ResourceAdaptorTypeBinding
Create a new JNDI binding metadata object for a resource adaptor type.
resumeDelivery() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoActivityContextInterface
Resume previously suspended delivery of events on this Activity Context.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
RhinoActivityContextInterface - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee
An extension of the JAIN SLEE-defined interface that provides access to Rhino-specific features.
RhinoSbbContext - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee
An extension of the JAIN SLEE-defined interface that provides access to Rhino-specific features.
RhinoSbbLocalHome - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee
The RhinoSbbLocalHome interface may be used by an SBB as its local home interface.


SampleUnits - Enum in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
Source and display units for a sample usage parameter.
SbbPartContext - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.sbbpart
The SbbPartContext interface provides an SBB part object with access to SLEE-managed state that is dependent on the SBB part's currently executing context.
serviceActivating(Object) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbLocalHome
The SLEE invokes this method on the root SBB of a service when the service is about to transition from Inactive to Active.
serviceDeactivating() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbLocalHome
The SLEE invokes this method on the root SBB object of a service when no SBB entity trees remain in the service and it is about to transition from the Stopping state to the Inactive state.
ServiceNodeActivity - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity
This interface is implemented by Service Node Activity objects.
ServiceNodeActivityContextInterfaceFactory - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity
The Service Node Activity Context Interface Factory is used by SBBs to obtain an `ActivityContextInterface` object for a Service Node Activity.
ServiceNodeActivityFactory - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity
The Service Node Activity Factory is used by SBBs to get their Service Node Activity object.
ServiceNodeStartedEvent - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.slee.servicenodeactivity
This interface is implemented by Service Node Started events generated by Rhino when a Service is started on a given node.
set(String, T) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Set the value of the CMP field with the specified name to the specified value.
set(int, E) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
SetCodecType - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Annotation that can be used on a set-type CMP field getter or setter method to indicate to Rhino a codec that should be used to serialise and serialise list elements.
setEncodableContext(T) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Set the encodable context object.
setServiceContext(T) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbContext
Set the service context object.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Predefined codecs for simple Java types.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigDecimalCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for BigDecimal.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigDecimalCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigDecimalCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigIntegerCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for BigInteger.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigIntegerCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigIntegerCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BooleanCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Boolean.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BooleanCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BooleanCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteArrayCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for byte[].
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteArrayCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteArrayCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Byte.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.CharacterCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Character.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.CharacterCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.CharacterCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.DoubleCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Double.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.DoubleCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.DoubleCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.FloatCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Float.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.FloatCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.FloatCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.IntegerCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Integer.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.IntegerCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.IntegerCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.LongCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Long.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.LongCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.LongCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ShortCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for Short.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ShortCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ShortCodec
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.StringCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for String.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.StringCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SimpleDatatypeCodecs.StringCodec
size() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
size() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
size() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
SleeDatatypeCodecs - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Predefined codecs for SLEE datatypes.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.ActivityContextInterfaceCodec<T extends ActivityContextInterface> - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for ActivityContextInterface and derived interfaces.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.ActivityContextInterfaceCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.ActivityContextInterfaceCodec
SleeDatatypeCodecs.EventContextCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for EventContext.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.EventContextCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.EventContextCodec
SleeDatatypeCodecs.ProfileLocalObjectCodec<T extends ProfileLocalObject> - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for ProfileLocalObject and derived interfaces.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.ProfileLocalObjectCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.ProfileLocalObjectCodec
SleeDatatypeCodecs.SbbLocalObjectCodec<T extends SbbLocalObject> - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for SbbLocalObject and derived interfaces.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.SbbLocalObjectCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.SbbLocalObjectCodec
SleeDatatypeCodecs.TimerIDCodec - Class in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Datatype codec for TimerID.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.TimerIDCodec() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs.SleeDatatypeCodecs.TimerIDCodec
SleeDatatypeDecoder - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Decoder of SLEE-specific datatypes.
SleeDatatypeEncoder - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.codecs
Encoder of SLEE-specific datatypes.
standardDeserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the standard Java deserialisation approach.
standardDeserialize(byte[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the standard Java deserialisation approach.
standardDeserialize(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the standard Java serialisation approach.
standardDeserialize(byte[], int, int, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Deserialise an object from a byte array using the standard Java serialisation approach.
standardSerialize(Object) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Serialise an object to a byte array using the standard Java serialisation approach.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
suspendDelivery() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoActivityContextInterface
Suspend further delivery of events on this Activity Context.
suspendDelivery(int) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoActivityContextInterface
Suspend further delivery of events on this Activity Context.


toArray() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
toArray() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
toStream(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Serialise the state of the list to the given output stream.
toStream(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Serialise the state of the map to the given output stream.
toStream(DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Serialise the state of the set to the given output stream.
toStream(DataOutput) - Method in interface com.opencloud.util.FastSerializable
Serialize the state of this object to a stream.
toStream(Object, DataOutput) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Serialise an object to a stream using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
toStreamAndGetType(Object, DataOutput) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Serialise an object to a stream using the FastSerializable approach where possible.
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ActivityContextInterfaceFactoryBinding
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.EnvEntry
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.Facility
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.LimiterEndpoint
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.ResourceAdaptorEntityBinding
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
toString() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Tracer - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities
Rhino extensions to the SLEE-defined Tracer interface.
type() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UsageParametersInterface
Get the type of this usage parameter set.
typeOf(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.CMPFields
Obtains the expected or current type of the specified CMP field.


UnrecognisedFieldNameException - Exception in com.opencloud.rhino.cmp
Exception thrown by methods in CMPFields if an arbitrary CMP field name is referenced but support for arbitrary CMP fields has not been enabled.
UnrecognisedFieldNameException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.UnrecognisedFieldNameException
Create an UnrecognisedFieldNameException with a detail message.
UnrecognizedChildRelationException - Exception in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations
This exception is thrown by the Child Relation Facility when passed the name of a child relation that has not been declared in the SBB's deployment descriptor.
UnrecognizedChildRelationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.childrelations.UnrecognizedChildRelationException
Create an UnrecognizedChildRelationException with a detail message.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException - Exception in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
This exception is thrown by the Usage Facility when passed a usage parameter set object that it does not recognize.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException() - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException
Create an UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException with no detail message.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException
Create an UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException with a detail message.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetTypeException - Exception in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
This exception is thrown by the Usage Facility when passed the name of a usage parameter set type that has not been declared in the SBB's deployment descriptor.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetTypeException
Create an UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetTypeException with a detail message.
UsageCounter - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
Annotation that can be used to provide addition information about a usage counter to the SLEE.
UsageFacility - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
The Usage Facility is used by SBBs and resource adaptors to gain access to the their usage parameter sets.
UsageParameters - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
Annotation that can be used to provide addition information about a usage parameters interface to the SLEE.
UsageParametersInterface - Interface in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
Base interface for a usage parameters interface.
UsageSample - Annotation Type in com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage
Annotation that can be used to provide addition information about a usage sample statistic to the SLEE.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.PassByReference.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.CounterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.SampleUnits
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.BindingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList.BackingStore
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap.BackingStore
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet.BackingStore
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize.SerialisableType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.cmp.PassByReference.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.CounterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.facilities.usage.SampleUnits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.slee.environment.BindingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList.BackingStore
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap.BackingStore
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet.BackingStore
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize.SerialisableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyConfiguration() - Method in interface com.opencloud.rhino.slee.RhinoSbbLocalHome
The SLEE invokes this method on the root SBB of a service when the service is about to transition from Inactive to Active.


writeElement(E, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableList
Serialise the specified list element to the output stream.
writeElement(E, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableSet
Serialise the specified set element to the output stream.
writeKey(K, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Serialise the specified map key to the output stream.
writeString(String, DataOutput) - Static method in class com.opencloud.util.FastSerialize
Write a string value to the specified data output stream.
writeValue(V, DataOutput, EncoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.rhino.util.EncodableMap
Serialise the specified map value to the output stream.