
The health of the Rf Control Resource Adaptor entity can be monitored using the Rhino statistics tools. For example, to monitor the statistics from the command line (<entity-name> is the Resource Adaptor entity name):

rhino-stats -m SLEE-Usage.RAEntities.<entity-name>.(default)
Note The Rf Control Resource Adaptor updates the default parameter set.

The statistics collected by the Rf Control Resource Adaptor are:

Name Description Incremented when …​


Number of records received via provider interface

The client post a record to the RA


Number of record write failures that occur

The Persist thread fails to put a record in the disk buffer


Number of records persisted to database on CDF failure

The Persist thread successfully writes a record to the disk buffer


Number of records persisted waiting to be sent to the CDF

The Persist thread write records to the disk buffer. Decremented when the Replay thread deletes the record from the disk buffer


Number of records read from database

The Replay thread reads a record from the disk buffer


Number of records retransmitted due to failover

The Replay thread receives an ACA, for an ACR, that has the potentially retransmitted flag set in the header


Number of successful answers

The RA receives an ACA for an ACR


Number of temporary send failures

The Diameter Rf stack

  • receives an ACA with status code of DIAMETER_OUT_OF_SPACE.

  • receives an error response with result code of DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY or DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED.


Number of permanent failed answers with record discarded

The Diameter Rf stack

  • received a response with result code other than DIAMETER_OUT_OF_SPACE or SUCCESSFUL.

  • receives an error response with result code other than DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY or DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED.


Number of records discarded due to non-failed-answer issues

The Persist thread cannot write the message to the memory buffer as it is full.

The Replay thread cannot read or create an ACR from the stored messages. This indicates that there are corrupt records.


Processing times for ACR/ACA pairs. It is the time (milliseconds) between sending an ACR and receiving an ACA in response.

The Diameter Rf stack received an ACA or error message


The amount of times the Rf Control RA failed to start an activity

The Rf Control RA was unable to start a SLEE activity


The amount of times the Rf Control RA failed to submit an event

The Rf Control RA fails to submit an event for delivery

Tip You can define your own threshhold alarms that are a function of the statistics the Rf Control Resource Adaptor collects. See Threshold Alarms in the Rhino TAS Admin Guide for more information about defining threshold based alarms.


The following alarms may be raised with a source of OpenCloud <entity-name> <version> (for a Resource Adaptor entity <entity-name>, of version <version>).

Alarm Level Raised when …​ Cleared when …​



A configuration property (such as the host or realm) is changed while the RA entity is active

The RA entity is deactivated



The memory queue reaches the limit set by the configuration parameter MaxRecordsInMemoryQueue. If set to 0 there won’t be an alarm. This alarm indicates the Request handler cannot write records and will discard them.

The Request handler is able write a record to the queue.



The Persist thread cannot write to the disk buffer.

The Persist thread is able to write to the disk buffer.



The Persist thread caught an unexpected exception

The RA is restarted



The Replay thread can’t read records from the disk buffer

The Replay thread is able to read records from the disk buffer



The Replay thread caught an unexpected exception

The RA is restarted

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