Check JAVA_HOME, run, and open the login page

To run the Rhino Element Manager:


Ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to an Oracle Java 1.8 JDK.


Run the script.


Open http://localhost:8080/rem/. The Rhino Element Manager login page displays.


Derby database and Jetty web server
  • REM uses an Apache Derby instance to store Rhino instances and REM users. If it does not already exist, the REM installation creates this instance in a directory called rem_data (in the current working directory).

  • The database runs in embedded mode, so it does not accept incoming TCP connections.

  • REM runs in a Jetty web server.

  • You can configure the web server (for example, if you need to change the port number), by editing jetty.xml.

  • For running REM over HTTPS see: Appendix D. Running REM over HTTPS

  • You can also deploy the web application resource (WAR) file into other containers like Apache Tomcat. See Appendix E. Running REM on Apache Tomcat

Enter username and password

To login to REM:


Enter your username and password, and click Login. The REM menu displays.


The default administrator login (which you’ll want to change) is username emadm and password password.


Depending on your permissions, buttons display for up to four types of REM operations:

  • Manage a Rhino Element

  • Monitor all Rhino Elements

  • Edit Rhino Instances

  • Edit Element Manager Users.


If this is the first time REM has been used you will probably need to either:

  • add a Rhino instance; or

  • add a server certificate to the automatically created 'Local' Rhino instance.

Running REM as a production service is usually used when testing or configuring a new rem instance. When deploying REM in a production environment it is usually desirable to run it as a daemon. Two scripts are provided for this purpose, an init script and a simple daemon script. For information on these see Appendix F. Running REM as a daemon

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