GWT 2.7.0


Shared classes used on both the client and the server side for transmitting data between the server and the client in JSON format.


Interface Summary
BaseProxy The root type from which all client-side proxy objects are derived.
EntityProxy A proxy for a server-side domain object.
EntityProxyChange.Handler<P extends EntityProxy> Implemented by methods that handle EntityProxyChange events.
EntityProxyId<P extends EntityProxy> A stable, opaque id of an EntityProxy that remains stable across updates, creates, deletes on the client.
InstanceRequest<P extends BaseProxy,T> Used to call instance methods.
LoggingRequest "API Generated" request selector interface implemented by objects that give client access to the methods of Logging.
ProxySerializer Serializes graphs of EntityProxy objects.
ProxyStore A ProxyStore provides a ProxySerializer with access to a low-level persistence mechanism.
Request<T> A Request represents a single method invocation on the server.
RequestContext The base interface for RequestFactory service endpoints.
RequestFactory Marker interface for the RequestFactory code generator.
RequestTransport Abstracts the mechanism by which a RequestFactory instance transmits its payload to the backend.
RequestTransport.TransportReceiver A callback interface.
ServiceLocator A ServiceLocator provides instances of a type specified by a Service when Request methods declared in a RequestContextare mapped onto instance (non-static) methods.
ValueProxy An analog to EntityProxy for domain types that do not have an identity concept.
Violation Deprecated. users should upgrade to the full ConstraintViolation type by switching their Receiver implementations to use Receiver.onConstraintViolation(java.util.Set) instead of Receiver.onViolation(java.util.Set).

Class Summary
DefaultProxyStore An in-memory ProxyStore store that can encode its state as a JSON object literal.
EntityProxyChange<P extends EntityProxy> Event posted by a RequestFactory when changes to an entity are detected.
FanoutReceiver<T> A FanoutReceiver will forward its callbacks to zero or more other Receivers.
Locator<T,I> A Locator allows entity types that do not conform to the RequestFactory entity protocol to be used.
Receiver<V> Callback object for and
ServerFailure Describes a request failure on the server.
ValueLocator<T> A Locator for use with value types (as opposed to entities), which are not persisted.

Enum Summary
WriteOperation The values returned by EntityProxyChange.getWriteOperation() to describe the type of change being announced.

Annotation Types Summary
ExtraTypes This annotation can be applied to EntityProxy, ValueProxy, RequestContext, and RequestFactory type declarations to include additional polymorphic proxy types that are not explicitly referenced.
JsonRpcContent Experimental API, subject to change. Applied to a Request method declaration to indicate that a particular parameter is used as the request portion of the JSON-RPC request.
JsonRpcProxy Experimental API, subject to change Used instead of the ProxyFor annotation.
JsonRpcService Experimental API, subject to change Indicates that a RequestContext should be encoded as a JSON-RPC request.
JsonRpcWireName Experimental API, subject to change Provides the method name for a JSON-RPC invocation.
ProxyFor Annotation on EntityProxy and ValueProxy classes specifying the domain (server-side) object type.
ProxyForName Annotation on EntityProxy classes specifying the domain (server-side) object type.
Service Annotation on Request classes specifying the server-side implementations that back them.
ServiceName Annotation on Request classes specifying the server-side implementations that back them.This annotation can be used in place of Service if the service type is not available to the GWT compiler or DevMode runtime.
SkipInterfaceValidation Annotation on methods of RequestContext, EntityProxy, or ValueProxy interfaces so that the RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator doesn't enforce the presence of a corresponding method on the domain type.

Package Description

Shared classes used on both the client and the server side for transmitting data between the server and the client in JSON format.

GWT 2.1

GWT 2.7.0