GWT 2.7.0


The AutoBean framework provides automatically-generated implementations of bean-like interfaces and a low-level serialization mechanism for those interfaces.


Interface Summary
AutoBean<T> A controller for an implementation of a bean interface.
AutoBeanFactory A tag interface for the AutoBean generator.
AutoBeanVisitor.CollectionPropertyContext A PropertyContext that describes the parameterization of the Collection being visited.
AutoBeanVisitor.Context Reserved for future expansion to avoid API breaks.
AutoBeanVisitor.MapPropertyContext A PropertyContext that describes the parameterization of the Map being visited.
AutoBeanVisitor.PropertyContext Allows properties to be reset.
Splittable This interface provides an abstraction around the underlying data model (JavaScriptObject, or JSON) used to encode an AutoBeanCodex payload.

Class Summary
AutoBeanCodex Utility methods for encoding an AutoBean graph into a JSON-compatible string.
AutoBeanUtils Utility methods for working with AutoBeans.
AutoBeanVisitor Allows traversal of an AutoBean object graph.
AutoBeanVisitor.ParameterizationVisitor The ParameterizationVisitor provides access to more complete type information than a simple class literal can provide.
ValueCodex Provides unified encoding and decoding of value objects.
ValueCodexHelper Provides reflection-based operation for server (JVM) implementation.

Enum Summary

Annotation Types Summary
AutoBean.PropertyName An annotation that allows inferred property names to be overridden.
AutoBeanFactory.Category Allows non-property methods on simple bean implementations when applied.
AutoBeanFactory.NoWrap The types specified by this annotation will not be wrapped by an AutoBean when returned from an AutoBean-controlled method.

Package Description

The AutoBean framework provides automatically-generated implementations of bean-like interfaces and a low-level serialization mechanism for those interfaces. AutoBeans can be used in both client and server code to improve code re-use.

See Also:
AutoBean wiki page, AutoBeanFactory, AutoBeanFactorySource

GWT 2.7.0