GWT 2.7.0
Class RPC

  extended by

public final class RPC
extends java.lang.Object

Method Summary
static RPCRequest decodeRequest(java.lang.String encodedRequest)
          Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request.
static RPCRequest decodeRequest(java.lang.String encodedRequest, java.lang.Class<?> type)
          Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request and optionally validating that type can handle the request.
static RPCRequest decodeRequest(java.lang.String encodedRequest, java.lang.Class<?> type, SerializationPolicyProvider serializationPolicyProvider)
          Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request and optionally validating that type can handle the request.
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailedRequest(RPCRequest rpcRequest, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Returns a string that encodes an exception.
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailure(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Returns a string that encodes an exception.
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailure(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Throwable cause, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
          Returns a string that encodes an exception.
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailure(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Throwable cause, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy, int flags)
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForSuccess(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Object object)
          Returns a string that encodes the object.
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForSuccess(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Object object, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
          Returns a string that encodes the object.
static java.lang.String encodeResponseForSuccess(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Object object, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy, int flags)
static SerializationPolicy getDefaultSerializationPolicy()
          Returns a default serialization policy.
static java.lang.String invokeAndEncodeResponse(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Returns a string that encodes the result of calling a service method, which could be the value returned by the method or an exception thrown by it.
static java.lang.String invokeAndEncodeResponse(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Object[] args, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
          Returns a string that encodes the result of calling a service method, which could be the value returned by the method or an exception thrown by it.
static java.lang.String invokeAndEncodeResponse(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod, java.lang.Object[] args, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy, int flags)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static RPCRequest decodeRequest(java.lang.String encodedRequest)
Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request.

This method is equivalent to calling decodeRequest(String, Class) with null for the type parameter.

encodedRequest - a string that encodes the RemoteService interface, the service method to call, and the arguments to for the service method
an RPCRequest instance
IncompatibleRemoteServiceException - if any of the following conditions apply:
  • if the types in the encoded request cannot be deserialized
  • if the ClassLoader acquired from Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() cannot load the service interface or any of the types specified in the encodedRequest
  • the requested interface is not assignable to RemoteService
  • the service method requested in the encodedRequest is not a member of the requested service interface
  • the type parameter is not null and is not assignable to the requested RemoteService interface


public static RPCRequest decodeRequest(java.lang.String encodedRequest,
                                       java.lang.Class<?> type)
Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request and optionally validating that type can handle the request. If the type parameter is not null, the implementation checks that the type is assignable to the RemoteService interface requested in the encoded request string.

Invoking this method with null for the type parameter, decodeRequest(encodedRequest, null), is equivalent to calling decodeRequest(encodedRequest).

encodedRequest - a string that encodes the RemoteService interface, the service method, and the arguments to pass to the service method
type - if not null, the implementation checks that the type is assignable to the RemoteService interface encoded in the encoded request string.
an RPCRequest instance
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the encodedRequest is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the encodedRequest is an empty string
IncompatibleRemoteServiceException - if any of the following conditions apply:
  • if the types in the encoded request cannot be deserialized
  • if the ClassLoader acquired from Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() cannot load the service interface or any of the types specified in the encodedRequest
  • the requested interface is not assignable to RemoteService
  • the service method requested in the encodedRequest is not a member of the requested service interface
  • the type parameter is not null and is not assignable to the requested RemoteService interface


public static RPCRequest decodeRequest(java.lang.String encodedRequest,
                                       java.lang.Class<?> type,
                                       SerializationPolicyProvider serializationPolicyProvider)
Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request and optionally validating that type can handle the request. If the type parameter is not null, the implementation checks that the type is assignable to the RemoteService interface requested in the encoded request string.

If the serializationPolicyProvider parameter is not null, it is asked for a SerializationPolicy to use to restrict the set of types that can be decoded from the request. If this parameter is null, then only subtypes of IsSerializable or types which have custom field serializers can be decoded.

Invoking this method with null for the type parameter, decodeRequest(encodedRequest, null), is equivalent to calling decodeRequest(encodedRequest).

encodedRequest - a string that encodes the RemoteService interface, the service method, and the arguments to pass to the service method
type - if not null, the implementation checks that the type is assignable to the RemoteService interface encoded in the encoded request string.
serializationPolicyProvider - if not null, the implementation asks this provider for a SerializationPolicy which will be used to restrict the set of types that can be decoded from this request
an RPCRequest instance
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the encodedRequest is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the encodedRequest is an empty string
IncompatibleRemoteServiceException - if any of the following conditions apply:
  • if the types in the encoded request cannot be deserialized
  • if the ClassLoader acquired from Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() cannot load the service interface or any of the types specified in the encodedRequest
  • the requested interface is not assignable to RemoteService
  • the service method requested in the encodedRequest is not a member of the requested service interface
  • the type parameter is not null and is not assignable to the requested RemoteService interface


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailedRequest(RPCRequest rpcRequest,
                                                              java.lang.Throwable cause)
                                                       throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes an exception. If rpcRequest is null a default serialization policy and default request flags will be used. Otherwise these information are taken from rpcRequest.

This method should be used if the RPC request could not be decoded or could not be executed because of an exception thrown, e.g. IncompatibleRemoteServiceException, RpcTokenException

rpcRequest - the RPCRequest that failed to execute, may be null
cause - the Throwable that was thrown
a String that encodes the exception
SerializationException - if the result cannot be serialized


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailure(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                        java.lang.Throwable cause)
                                                 throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes an exception. If method is not null, it is an error if the exception is not in the method's list of checked exceptions.

serviceMethod - the method that threw the exception, may be null
cause - the Throwable that was thrown
a string that encodes the exception
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the cause is null
SerializationException - if the result cannot be serialized
UnexpectedException - if the result was an unexpected exception (a checked exception not declared in the serviceMethod's signature)


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailure(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                        java.lang.Throwable cause,
                                                        SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
                                                 throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes an exception. If method is not null, it is an error if the exception is not in the method's list of checked exceptions.

If the serializationPolicy parameter is not null, it is used to determine what types can be encoded as part of this response. If this parameter is null, then only subtypes of IsSerializable or types which have custom field serializers may be encoded.

serviceMethod - the method that threw the exception, may be null
cause - the Throwable that was thrown
serializationPolicy - determines the serialization policy to be used
a string that encodes the exception
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the cause or the serializationPolicy are null
SerializationException - if the result cannot be serialized
UnexpectedException - if the result was an unexpected exception (a checked exception not declared in the serviceMethod's signature)


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForFailure(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                        java.lang.Throwable cause,
                                                        SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy,
                                                        int flags)
                                                 throws SerializationException


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForSuccess(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                        java.lang.Object object)
                                                 throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes the object. It is an error to try to encode an object that is not assignable to the service method's return type.

serviceMethod - the method whose result we are encoding
object - the instance that we wish to encode
a string that encodes the object, if the object is compatible with the service method's declared return type
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the result is not assignable to the service method's return type
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the service method is null
SerializationException - if the result cannot be serialized


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForSuccess(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                        java.lang.Object object,
                                                        SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
                                                 throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes the object. It is an error to try to encode an object that is not assignable to the service method's return type.

If the serializationPolicy parameter is not null, it is used to determine what types can be encoded as part of this response. If this parameter is null, then only subtypes of IsSerializable or types which have custom field serializers may be encoded.

serviceMethod - the method whose result we are encoding
object - the instance that we wish to encode
serializationPolicy - determines the serialization policy to be used
a string that encodes the object, if the object is compatible with the service method's declared return type
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the result is not assignable to the service method's return type
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the serviceMethod or the serializationPolicy are null
SerializationException - if the result cannot be serialized


public static java.lang.String encodeResponseForSuccess(java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                        java.lang.Object object,
                                                        SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy,
                                                        int flags)
                                                 throws SerializationException


public static SerializationPolicy getDefaultSerializationPolicy()
Returns a default serialization policy.

the default serialization policy.


public static java.lang.String invokeAndEncodeResponse(java.lang.Object target,
                                                       java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                       java.lang.Object[] args)
                                                throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes the result of calling a service method, which could be the value returned by the method or an exception thrown by it.

This method does no security checking; security checking must be done on the method prior to this invocation.

target - instance on which to invoke the serviceMethod
serviceMethod - the method to invoke
args - arguments used for the method invocation
a string which encodes either the method's return or a checked exception thrown by the method
java.lang.SecurityException - if the method cannot be accessed or if the number or type of actual and formal arguments differ
SerializationException - if an object could not be serialized by the stream
UnexpectedException - if the serviceMethod throws a checked exception that is not declared in its signature


public static java.lang.String invokeAndEncodeResponse(java.lang.Object target,
                                                       java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                       java.lang.Object[] args,
                                                       SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
                                                throws SerializationException
Returns a string that encodes the result of calling a service method, which could be the value returned by the method or an exception thrown by it.

If the serializationPolicy parameter is not null, it is used to determine what types can be encoded as part of this response. If this parameter is null, then only subtypes of IsSerializable or types which have custom field serializers may be encoded.

This method does no security checking; security checking must be done on the method prior to this invocation.

target - instance on which to invoke the serviceMethod
serviceMethod - the method to invoke
args - arguments used for the method invocation
serializationPolicy - determines the serialization policy to be used
a string which encodes either the method's return or a checked exception thrown by the method
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the serviceMethod or the serializationPolicy are null
java.lang.SecurityException - if the method cannot be accessed or if the number or type of actual and formal arguments differ
SerializationException - if an object could not be serialized by the stream
UnexpectedException - if the serviceMethod throws a checked exception that is not declared in its signature


public static java.lang.String invokeAndEncodeResponse(java.lang.Object target,
                                                       java.lang.reflect.Method serviceMethod,
                                                       java.lang.Object[] args,
                                                       SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy,
                                                       int flags)
                                                throws SerializationException

GWT 2.7.0