GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use MenuItemSeparator Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. 

Uses of MenuItemSeparator in

Methods in that return MenuItemSeparator
 MenuItemSeparator MenuBar.addSeparator()
          Adds a thin line to the MenuBar to separate sections of MenuItems.
 MenuItemSeparator MenuBar.addSeparator(MenuItemSeparator separator)
          Adds a thin line to the MenuBar to separate sections of MenuItems.
 MenuItemSeparator MenuBar.insertSeparator(int beforeIndex)
          Adds a thin line to the MenuBar to separate sections of MenuItems at the specified index.
 MenuItemSeparator MenuBar.insertSeparator(MenuItemSeparator separator, int beforeIndex)
          Adds a thin line to the MenuBar to separate sections of MenuItems at the specified index.

Methods in with parameters of type MenuItemSeparator
 MenuItemSeparator MenuBar.addSeparator(MenuItemSeparator separator)
          Adds a thin line to the MenuBar to separate sections of MenuItems.
 int MenuBar.getSeparatorIndex(MenuItemSeparator item)
          Get the index of a MenuItemSeparator.
 MenuItemSeparator MenuBar.insertSeparator(MenuItemSeparator separator, int beforeIndex)
          Adds a thin line to the MenuBar to separate sections of MenuItems at the specified index.
 void MenuBar.removeSeparator(MenuItemSeparator separator)
          Removes the specified MenuItemSeparator from the bar.

GWT 2.7.0