GWT 2.7.0


Class Summary
AlternateAnnotationCreatorVisitor Visitor that adds @alternate annotations where required in CSSRules.
Css2Gss Converter from Css to Gss.
CssElIf Represents a else if node in the css ast.
CssElse Represents a else node in the css ast.
DefCollectorVisitor GSS requires that constants are defined in upper case.
ElseNodeCreator The original Css parser doesn't create specific nodes for @elif and @else at-rules.
ExtendedCssVisitor This visitor allows to visit new nodes created specifically for the conversion.
FontFamilyVisitor Escapes white spaces in font-family declarations, thus allowing usage of fonts that might be mistaken for constants.
GssGenerationVisitor The GssGenerationVisitor turns a css tree into a gss string.
SimpleValue A simple property value class.
UndefinedConstantVisitor Converts upper case strings used in properties to lowercase if they are not defined with a proper @def statement.

Exception Summary
Css2GssConversionException Css2GssConversionException signals a problem with the conversion from CSS to GSS.

GWT 2.7.0