GWT 2.7.0


This package contains i18n classes and interfaces shared between client and server.


Interface Summary
AlternateMessageSelector Defines a way of choosing between alternate messages based on a parameter value.
CustomDateTimeFormat Create a custom localized date/time format at compile time.
DateTimeFormatInfo Information required for formatting and parsing localized date/time values.
GwtLocale Class representing GWT locales and conversion to/from other formats.
GwtLocaleFactory Factories that know how to create GwtLocale instances.
HasDirectionEstimator Interface for objects that have a direction estimator.
Localizable A tag interface that serves as the root of a family of types used in static internationalization.
TimeZone Abstracts a GWT timezone.

Class Summary
AlternateMessageSelector.AlternateForm Represents an alternate form of a message.
AnyRtlDirectionEstimator Direction estimator that uses the "any RTL" heuristic.
BidiFormatter Utility class for formatting text for display in a potentially opposite-direction context without garbling.
BidiFormatterBase Base class for BidiFormatter and SafeHtmlBidiFormatter that contains their common implementation.
BidiFormatterBase.Factory<T extends BidiFormatterBase> Abstract factory class for BidiFormatterBase.
BidiFormatterBase.Format A container class for direction-related string constants, e.g.
BidiUtils Utility functions for performing common Bidi tests on strings.
DateTimeFormat Formats and parses dates and times using locale-sensitive patterns.
DefaultDateTimeFormatInfo Default implementation of DateTimeFormatInfo interface, using values from the CLDR root locale.
DirectionEstimator Interface for direction estimators.
FirstStrongDirectionEstimator Direction estimator that uses the "first strong" heuristic.
SafeHtmlBidiFormatter A wrapper to BidiFormatter whose methods return SafeHtml instead of String.
WordCountDirectionEstimator Direction estimator that uses the "word count" heuristic.

Enum Summary
DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat Predefined date/time formats -- see CustomDateTimeFormat if you need some format that isn't supplied here.

Annotation Types Summary
CustomDateTimeFormat.Pattern Annotation containing the pattern skeleton.

Package Description

This package contains i18n classes and interfaces shared between client and server.

GWT 2.7.0