GWT 2.7.0


Predefined internationalized constants for currency, date, time, and numbers.


Interface Summary
CurrencyCodeMapConstants CurrencyCodeMapConstants provide a interface to access data constrained in file.
DateTimeConstants Deprecated. use DateTimeFormatInfo instead
DateTimeConstantsImpl DateTimeConstantsImpl class encapsulate a collection of DateTime formatting symbols for use with DateTime format and parse services.
LocaleConstants Interface that combines locale-specific interfaces.
NumberConstants NumberConstants class encapsulate a collection of Number formatting symbols for use with Number format and parse services.
NumberConstantsImpl NumberConstantsImpl class encapsulate a collection of Number formatting symbols for use with Number format and parse services.
TimeZoneConstants TimeZoneConstants encapsulates a collection of time zone data for use with DateTimeFormat services.

Package Description

Predefined internationalized constants for currency, date, time, and numbers. This package contains interfaces that define internationalized constants used by the class in to format currency, date, time, and numeric strings.

GWT 2.7.0